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I went into my room and locked the door. I hate everything, I grabbed my switch blade and before I could even think about what I was doing I cut three deep cuts into my right arm. One just below my wrist, one in the middle of my forearm, and one closer to my elbow. I sat down on floor and silent screamed, it hurt like fucking hell. "Hey Neveah you wanna come down for dinner?" Someone asked. ".....sure" I said quietly. I put on the darkest black hoodie I could fine and came out of my room and down the stairs. Darry made chicken...which I did not eat. "So...Nev how's school?" Phe asked. I gave her the dirtiest look I could. "Why don't you know?" Darry asked. "She's a drop out idiot, dally's struggling with bills so she's working with soda and StEvE" I said. "Idiot" I added under my breath. Then they started talking about phe and soda but I zoned out for most of it. When dinner was done I could feel my self start to get dizzy and I knew it would all be over soon. I laid down on the couch and stared at the ceiling, hoping this would be the last time I would see anyone or anything. Just as I thought that I passed out.


when dinner was done Nev stood up and almost fell over as she walked to the couch and sat down. She stared at the ceiling and then she 'fell asleep' I let her sleep. "Cmon Nev it's bed time" I heard phe say to her. When she didn't move phe grabbed her arm "um guys..." she said. "Yea phe" soda said. "Um I don't think Nev is asleep" she said showing everyone the blood on her hand. "Shit" I said and dropped a cup. "Soda roll up her right sleeve!" Yelled. He did and just as I thought her arm was bleeding like hell. "Oh my god!" I yelled. Johnny looked panic stricken in the corner. "Johnny go tell pony tha5 we're leaving and we'll be back later" I said picking her up. Johnny did and then ran downstairs. Me, soda, phe, two-bit, and Johnny all hopped in the car and drove to the hospital. When we got in there they took nevvy to a room. I stood pacing the room thinking. When they finally let us go back we all walked in the room and Neveah was laying there still half passed out but she could kinda talk. "Hey Nev" Johnny said. "H-hey" she said messing with her rings. The doctor came in to talk to me "ok so, your her legal guardian right?" He asked. "Yep" I said. "Ok so, she can't be left alone during the day so someone will have to stay. And we need you to make a pretty tough decision" he said. "What would that be?" I asked. "Well, do you believe that she needs to be put in a mental hospital" he asked. "Can I have some time to think?" I asked. "Yes, you have around 5 days" he said. "Ok thank you" I said. Soda pulled me out into the hallway "closing the door". "Your not gonna do it are you?" He asked. "Do what?" I answered slightly confused. "Send nevvy to a mental hospital!?" He said. "Well I don't know, maybe it's what's best" I answered. "How could you even think that!? She hates that place!" Soda yelled. "I know! But at this point she hates the world, she hates living and we need to change that!" I said. "She needs help soda!  Help we can't give!" I said trying not to yell to loud. "Alright, because sending her somewhere away from everyone she loves is gonna help so much" soda yelled. "Ever think that maybe we're the problem!" I said. "No, Dallas is the problem!" Soda yelled. Suddenly two-bit  stormed out. "Will you guys shut up! If your gonna talk about someone's mental issues when their sitting 15 feet away at least remember to shut the fucking door!" He yelled.


when I fully woke up I was in the hospital. 'Shit it didn't work' I thought, I looked around and Darry and soda weren't in the room. Then I heard the yelling outside the door. The were talking about sending me to a mental hospital. "Uhggg" I said putting my hands over my ears. The yelling continued until two stood up "ok that's it I'm done!" He said storming out. I was gonna say something but I felt like I couldn't talk. A minute later they all three walked back in. "Hey neveah!" Soda said trying to give me a hug. Which the little bit of strength I had I pushed him away. "Why are you being a bitch!?" He asked. "Because you saved me!" I finally said. "That's a good thing!" Soda yelled. "No, it's not! What don't you get about, I. DONT. WANNA. BE. HERE!" I yelled. I finally laid my head back on my pillow,

When visting time was over only one person was aloud to stay. Darry insisted it be him, but I said I wanted either two or johnny. Johnny ended up staying.


we left the hospital and dropped phe and two off at home. When we got back pony ran down the stairs "ITS TWO O'CLOCK IN THE GODDAMN MORNING WHERE WERE YOU!?" he yelled. "Um at the hospital...with Nev" Darry said. "Oh god, who tried to kill her this time!?" He asked. "Herself" I said under my breath earning a smack on the shoulder and a death glare from Darry. "Wait...what!?" Pony yelled. "You wouldn't understand just go to bed you've got school tomorrow" Darry said. "No, I deserve to know what's going on with MY sister. And if you don't tell me Johnny or two will!" Pony yelled. "Fine! Neveah tried to kill herself! Happy?" Darry yelled. Pony looked absolutely shocked.

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