Finally everything is perfect again...enless its not

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Dally was pacing the room he was a nervous reck. I don't understand why everything will be fine, his pacing stopped and I looked up from my book(which pony was forcing me to read) to see why. He was backed up against the wall with his hands in his Jeans pockets looking at the door. I turned to see what he was looking at and that's when I saw Darry. Darry came over and gave me a hug. "How ya feelin kid?" He asked sounding sympathetic. "I'm fine...Darry I think you owe and apology to someone" I said to him he went quiet. "Your right I'm sorry Neveah I'm sorry I over reacted" he said to me. "It's ok dar...but I'm not the only one" I said looking over at dal who looked like he was trying to hold his breath and stay as quiet as possible. Darry turned around to look at him. Dal looked at him and shuttered I've never seen him scared of anyone in the gang except Darry. "Look dal...I'm sorry I acted how I did. It's just Neveah is my only sister and if anything happened to her I would never forgive myself. But, I trust you Dallas. I trust that you won't hurt her and you'll keep her safe and out of trouble. Because if you don't, Dallas Winston I swear you will never see the light of day again. Am I clear?" Darry said his voice in a calm tone. "Y-yes Darry I understand. I'll keep her out of trouble and I promise not to hurt her" he said. That was a promise I thought he could keep, sadly I was wrong.

*2 Week later*


Its been about two weeks and everything has gone back to normal. Except one day Neveah came running in the door. The whole gang other thank Dallas and Neveah were there sitting in the living room. She ran up to her room grabbed her backpack and ran back out. We all looked around at each other and then just shrugged it off. About 3 hours later dal came in the house he threw his jacket down and lit a cigarette. "You ok dal?" Johnny asked quietly. "Huh? Oh yea I'm fine Johnny" Dallas said in a weird tone. "Ok we all know that's a lie. Dally what's wrong?" Soda said. "Um is Darry here?" He asked looking around. "No. He's at work until 12, why?" I said confused."um...I can't tell pony or soda but the rest of you meet me at the lot." He said turning and walking out the door. I put two and two together and realized this was about Neveah. Soda looked mad which is not usual. "This has something to do with Neveah." Soda spoke my thoughts. "How do ya know?" Tow-bit asked cocking an eyebrow. "Come on two are you that oblivious. Dallas is dating Nev. And he said he couldn't tell me and pony, HER BROTHERS. And he made sure Darry wasn't here before he said anything..." soda said in a annoyed voice. Then they all got it. This is about Neveah and it can't be good.

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