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I can't stand to see most of the gang, except Steve and Johnny. Seeing soda reminded me of phe and seeing dal was just a whole different story. I could stand to hang out with the gang when phe and dal weren't there but thats besides the point. Tonight was one of those few nights when neither of them were here so I was hanging out in the living room. Phe, pony, two, and dal were out of the house. I wasn't really talking much I was kinda cuddled up to Steve. If it isn't obvious I like Steve but he could never feel the same. Suddenly phe, pony, and two walked in drunk. Dally followed them shortly behind but he seemed sober enough. "PONY ARE YOU DRUNK!?" Darry screamed I was already heading for the stairs. "I don't know am I?" Pony slurred. "WHAT THE HECK YOU HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW!" Darry screamed. "Nev comes home every other day drunk and since dal it's every day. Why don't you yell at her?" Pony slurred. I stopped and turned around at the mention of my name. "Come on pony let's get you to bed" soda said walked over to help him. "Did I tell y'all that Steve likes nev?" Two-but asked. Steve and dally's heads practically shot up. And I knew I looked as shocked as I felt. "I never said that" Steve said defensively. "Come on guys hes clearly very drunk" dal said. "But he said it when he wasn't drunk" Darry said earning a death glare from Steve. "When is he not drunk man" Steve said. "Steve just give up" soda said. "Well I already have a boyfriend sorry Steve." I said. "WHAT! WHO!" Soda and Darry said almost simultaneously. I grabbed Daniel and kissed him. Thank god he kissed back. Everyone stood in shock. I then pulled Daniel outside. "Um neveah I-" he tried to say. "Oh shut it I don't like you" I said pacing. "Then why did you kiss me" he asked "because look... I like Steve but if I tell him that it could ruin our friendship if we broke up and I don't know if I'm ready to take that chance." I said. "Ok so...we fake date?" He asked. "Yep, if your cool with it. It's on,y for a few weeks while I think" I said. "Ok I get around that" he said. I walked inside and dally was still just standing there phoebe tried to say something to me but I ignored her. "Goodnight" I yelled and ran upstairs and laid in bed.  Later I heard a knock on my door, "hey it's phe can I come in?" She asked. I thought...I have nothing else to lose "yea sure".

Don't fall in love with a heartbreaker(Dallas Winston X Neveah Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now