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*january 30th, 1967*


I was walking around town with dally and phe. We were walking and laughing when we saw Johnny with a knife to his throat by austin! All three of us ran up and pulled Austin away and quickly flicked out our switches "touch him again and you'll be the dead one!" I yelled. Johnny ran over to dal crying "HE WANTED TO KILL ME DAL! KILL ME!" Johnny yelled. "It's ok let's go get Steve" dally answered. "NO DONT TELL MY BROTHER! ILL GET SENT BACK TO AUNT SYLVIA. PLEASE DONT" Austin cried. "Don't care" dall answered. When we got to the Curtis house we told Steve everything. Austin got grounded for a week and wasn't allowed to leave alone for a month. After that we said bye and me and dal walked out. "You know you got one cool sister" I said breaking the silence. "She's something" dally answered with a laugh. "Which is why I don't understand why you hid her from me." I said still curious. "I don't know" dal said with a shrug. "It's not like I ment to hide her you were just never around her" he said. I did remember seeing her in the school hallways maybe once and thinking she looked a whole lot like dally but I didn't say anything and we didn't have any classes together so. "I'm still mad at soda" I said. "Why?" Dally asked. "Because he lied about dating Steve like I'm his sister" I said with a groan. "You know phe is probably still mad at me for not at least telling her that I had a girlfriend let alone that your a Curtis" dally answered. "True. Do you think she likes me? Or do you think she has some kind of  secret resentment for me" I said. "She acts like she likes you I'm sure she's happy to have another girl in the gang" dally answered. "Hey Curtis" someone from behind me said. I turned around and saw curly. Me and curly were pretty close when we were younger but he started to act too much like his older brother. "Hey Shepard" I said looking at him. "Long time no see" he said. "Yea well you've been in and out of the reformatory since we were ten" I said with a chuckle. "Sup Winston" curly said looking over at dally. He always had a thing for calling people by there last names although it did get confusing when I was with my brothers and he did that. "We should get going we got a party to get to" dally said. "Alright bye" curly answered and walked away. "God that kids creepy sometimes" dally said with a shiver. It was getting pretty cold out as the sun went down. I could feel my teeth start to clatter. Dally put his jacket on my shoulders "dal your gonna be cold" I said going to give it back to him. He immediately put it back on my shoulders "I'm fine doll" he said and held me close. When we got to the party i immediately saw two "hey two-bitch" I screamed. "Heyyyyy neveahhh" he slurred. "Really your drunk already the sun just set" I said with a laugh. I went up to the bar and asked for a beer. I really hope phe likes me and isn't just acting.

Don't fall in love with a heartbreaker(Dallas Winston X Neveah Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now