2 weeks

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I continued backing up till I hit the wall. A part of me wanted as far away from dally as possible but another wanted nothing more but to hug him after not seeing him for so long. He stayed back surprisingly. "I-I don't even know what to say to you Dallas" I said holding back tears. "Then don't say anything let me explain" he said sounding sweeter than I thought he could. "Explain what Dallas? That you cheated on me? That I was stupid to think you were different? That I should have listened to my mom, and my friends, hell I should have known damn well that it was a bad idea when I had socs and greasers telling me you were bad news? Yea if your going to explain those don't I already have an explanation to those. What I still don't have an explanation to is why you told me you loved me?" I said out of breath from talking to fast. "What do you mean why I said that I loved you? I did love you hell I still do. But i know you don't believe me" he said. "Your right. I don't believe you. Because someone who loves somebody does get drunk at a party without them and cheat on them!" I almost screamed. "It was a school night Neveah I didn't wanna drag you to some party with me. Plus I didn't mean to get drunk or worse" he said. I looked confused "what do you mean or worse?" I said looking at him. He turned away "someone drugged my drink that night. Apparently buck caught them in the act but didn't know it was mine. I have absolutely no memory of anything from that night. The only way I knew I cheated...god I hate that word. Was because I woke up next to the girl." He said. I stopped, if what he said was true than it truly wasn't his fault then I should forgive him right? But what if he was lying to get me to forgive him. I didn't know what to do so I went somewhere in between. "Ok. I kinda believe you." I sighed. "Fine. Dallas you have two weeks to prove to me that no part of you knew what you were doing that night, that you truly do love me" I said. "Really?? Thank you Neveah" he said as I could see the flow of relief cross over him. "Now please take me home this church is old and dusty. I have no idea how pony and Johnny stayed here for as long as they did." I said with a light chuckle. "You and me both kid" he said as we walked out of the door. We walked over to the train and thank god there was a train back to Tulsa. We hopped on and sat in the corner. On the way he told me everything that had happened with him these last 2 months. "I was in jail for a month of it" he said. "Dallas tucker Winston!" I said with fake anger. "Whattttttt it was only 30 days all I did was take a pack of cigarettes" he said laughing. "Ok. What about the other month.?" I asked. "Walked the streets, hung out with shepherds outfit, and sat in my room at bucks" he said leaning back with a shrug. "Oh, I expected there to be girls in there somewhere" he sat up and did a double take "really? Ha your funny. Your the only girl I've ever wanted to be with since the day I met you. If it hadn't been for Tim and curly the next place I went would have been a mental ward instead of jail." He said looking at me as if I was crazy. "Really? I thought the Dallas Winston would have played the field a little bit while he was single" I said leaning back "was single?" He said with a smirk. "Yes dal "was" as in previously" I said looking at him. "Oooo so who's my lucky lady?" He said in a smart as tone. "Me Dallas! Now don't push your luck" I said laying my head on his shoulder. Everything felt right again. I still had two weeks before I could fully trust him but for now this was ok. "Your brothers gonna kill me" he said. "Which one?" I said trying to sound cheery. "Well the big one first but probably all three" he said worry rising in his voice. "Well we're just gonna have to tell super man, Pepsi, and horse exactly what happened. Soda and pony will forgive you if I do. But I don't know about Darry." I said. "Well let's worry about that when the time comes for now come here" he said pulling me off the ground and on his lap I snuggled into the crook of his neck. Everything feels right again.

Don't fall in love with a heartbreaker(Dallas Winston X Neveah Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now