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Johnny grabbed my hand pulling me up. "Johnny what if he hates me?!" I asked as we were walking to what seemed to be my house. "Oh nevy  cut it out, it's dally the man's so die heart in love with you" Johnny said. "Yea but...I talked about his parents and we'll... you know how I got when my parents died and...I don't know Johnny" I said with a sigh. "Nev look your gonna be ok" he said as we arrived at my house. We walked inside and heard nothing, so we walked up stairs...Darry was laying in the hallway staring at the ceiling. I went over and stood above him "ya wanna help me up Nev?" He said. "Hmmmm....nah" I said I gave him a swift kick to the shoulder and walked back downstairs and outside. "Well if he wasn't there he's probably at his house" Johnny said. I nodded "or bucks?" I said. "Yea but...it's like 5am so there's no party he has no reason to be there" Johnny said. "Ya I guess you got a point johnnycake" I said kicking a pebble. Me and Johnny walked down to his house "alright kid your on your own" Johnny said as he ran back to the lot. I sighed took a deep breath and walked in the first person I saw was phe followed by soda and then him...dally Winston. "Hey..." I said looking down. "Hey" soda and phe said. They looked at dal and then at me and then bolted upstairs. I took a deep breath and walked over to dal on the couch, "oh my god" I said looking at him. For the first time that night I got a good look at him he was all cut and bruised up, he had a black eye and busted open lip. He had scratches and bruises everywhere "are you ok dally?" I said going to sit next to him on the couch. "Yea I'm alright...are you ok?" He asked. I gave him a look of confusion "like do you need an ice pack or anything?" He the. Said. "For what?" I questioned genuinely confused "Nev...your head? You know?" He said. My head was the last thing I was worried about "no dal I'm fine look....I'm sorry" I said. "No, I'm the one who should be sorry" he said looking at the ground. "No dally. I'm the one who flipped out on you when you did nothing wrong" I answered. "No I did do something wrong, I quite literally threw you into a wall!" He said. "Yea but...it's nothing I'm not used to. Sodas been clobbering me around since I was 5 and I mean you saw what Darry did, plus hundreds of fights with Socs." I said. "Yea doll but... you shouldn't have to be used to it" he said. "Dally really I'm fine...I didn't mean anything I said when I yelled at you. Not any of it" I said tears welling in my eyes. "I know you didn't baby, I know" dally said pulling me into his lap. "Dally I don't wanna go home" I said and I ment it I don't trust Darry. "Then don't...stay here with me" he said. I looked at him "D-Darry would kill me" I said, "no he won't plus you can just go get your stuff once he leaves for work" he said. "O-ok I guess" I said cuddle back into is chest, "you tired doll?" He asked. "Kinda" I lied it was way more then kinda, "wanna take a nap?" He asked. "Mhm" I said and nodded my head, dally turned and scooted back so his back was on the arm rest of the chair and his legs were stretched across the couch. I buried my face in the crook of his neck. I gave his neck a few kisses before I fell asleep clung to him like a toddler.

Don't fall in love with a heartbreaker(Dallas Winston X Neveah Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now