Its over

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I was sitting in my room listening to music and smoking a cigarette, I went over to my shelves and found an empty box. I put Dallas skull ring in the box and closed it. I went to go pull up my jeans when I felt my switchblade. I thought for a moment before sitting down on my bed and rolling up my sleeve. I slid it across my arm "one, he'll be better of without you". Another "two, you only get in the way. One more "three, everyone hates you" I say back crying. I heard a knock on my door "GO AWAY!" I said through the tears. "It phoebe" she responded. Yea because that made a difference. "I DONT CARE GO AWAY!" I yelled pulling down my sleeve and closing my blade. I few minutes later I heard another knock "I SAID GO AWAY!" I screamed. "Nev it's Darry" he said from outside. "I DONT CARE LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed. I heard Darry unlock my door "god damnit" I said under my breath. I heard a knock "who is it?" I questioned wiping my eyes. "It's Steve hunny" he said. I thought "come in" I said sitting up. "Hey" he said closing the door. "Hey" I responded. "You ok?" He asked. "Well, I have no choice but to brake up with the person I love and his sister hates me so currently I don't think I can be ok." I answered. Steve saw my switch out on my bed. He looked like he was thinking "wrists please" he said. "No!" I almost yelled. "Look I won't tell anyone I just wanna make sure your ok" he said. I sighed and rolled up my sleeve. "Neveah those are deep dude!" He yelled. "I-Im s-sorry" I said almost crying. "Hey it's ok give me a sec" he said and stood up. He walked out and a few minutes later came back with a first aid kit. He sprayed some wound spray that hurt like hell, and then he put a wrap on my arm. He gave me a hug and then walked out. I laid back and lit another cigarette and turned up my music, I few minutes later dally came in my room. "WHO THE HELL LET YOU UP HERE!?!"  I yelled. "No one I snuck past Steve" he answered. "Dally I don't know how to talk to you" I said. "We can-" he tried to say. "No we can't, your sister hates me and I'm not about to ruin a sibling's relationship because if phe did that to me and soda I would be devastated. So I think..." I swallowed. "Please don't say it" he whispered. "So I think it would be better if maybe we...*swallow* broke up" I said. Dally looked like he was about to start crying. "I'm sorry Dallas but it's for the best I can't get in the way of you and your sister's relationship. You met me 6 years ago you've known her since birth let be honest which ones more important" I asked and it was a rhetorical question. Dally ran out of my room crying a few minutes later Steve came up "you did it didn't you?" He asked. "Mhm" I nodded my head and started crying. Steve came over and sat on my bed I cried into his shoulder for what felt like hours.

Don't fall in love with a heartbreaker(Dallas Winston X Neveah Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now