Morning babe.... Oh shit

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                                                                                                   (NEVEAH'S POV: )

I opened my eyes slowly... The bright summer sun rays pierced my vision. I wanted to lay there forever and I would have if I didn't hear soda yell me and ponys name I think he did it as a joke or to mock darry but he yelled "PONYBOY MICHEAL CURTIS" seconds later he yells  "NEVEAH LEEANN CURTIS" I jumped out of bed faster than I think I ever had. I though about putting a hoodie on but I was to lazy. So sports bra and shorts was the way I went. I walked down the stairs at a steady pace pony shortly behind me. I felt a hand on my arm and I turned around. Pony looked like he had seen a ghost. "Are you okay Pones?" he started at me the way Johnny did when socs are after us.
"Y-yea...its just. Um. I hate to be the bad guy but. The minute you get down there two-bits gonna yell something lousey at you". I stared at him for a second. "I'll be fine pony... They've been doing it since I was 9 I think I'm alr." He nodded his head a little. He was about to speak when someone yelled again this time it was Darry. " PONYBOY, NEVEAH GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE NOW" me and pony took a scared look at each other before running down the steps. Soda was holding back laughter. Two didn't even bother holding back... He was on the ground rolling around laughing hysterically. Darry looked at me and pony like he was gonna knock our heads together. So me and pony just stood there paralyzed in fear. Darry then smiled and simply said "breakfast is ready: )" me and pony turned to each other and hugged. I guess we were happy that we hadn't got caught. Me and pony might have snuck out a few nights back... We didn't do anything just went to a field to watch the sun rise. We stopped hugging and walked into the kitchen. I could feel Two-Bit and Steve's eyes piercing into my ass as i got my plate. I turned around and they didn't even bother to look away they just moved their glaze upwards. "Ok look I understand I'm hot but no need to stare." Steve rolled his eyes and two turned away red faced. I know he has a crush on me. But Dal asked first. Speaking of dal, I had just finished eating and I was sitting on the couch when Dallas walked in. God he was hot. He was wearing a black shirt with his brown leather jacket. Along with that a tight pare of dark denim jeans and his boots. I started at him which caused two to make a joke...Only it wasn't a joke because it was true. "Awwwww look Neveah's staring at her boyfriend" my face turned bright red and I looked way trying to hide my blush with my shoulder length Auburn hair. Dally came over and sat next to me putting his hand on my bare thigh making me gasp a little. I looked down. Dal put a finger under my chin and turned my head towords him he then kissed me... WAIT HE KISSED ME. "Good morning babe" he said in a seductive tone. My eyes widened. He Imdietly regret what he did and said when we looked up to see everyone (except for darry who had already left for work) staring at us. Steve was standing by the door trying no to laugh, soda was standing next to him and he looked at me and then looked dally then back at me he was shocked, pony was just as shocked as soda and was death staring dal, Two-Bit looked hurt he had joked about it but he didn't think it was true, and last johnny(who must have walked in while dal was kissing me) was staring at me with a grin on his face. After a few minutes of silence Steve and soda left for work. The last thing soda said was " we'll talk later". Then after soda and Steve were gone I ran up to my room tears welling in my eyes.

This is a bit longer but I hope you enjoy

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