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I woke up and walked downstairs, today was my 16th birthday yippie. Everyone in the gang was in my living room at 6:30 in the morning sitting on the floor staring very intensely at the stairs waiting for me to come down. When I did I was immediately tackled by 5 greaser. "Jesus guys I just woke up! And I still have a hole in my stomach can you not!?!" I said with fake anger. "Sorry" they all said. Darry was staring at them like they were idiots which I mean they kinda are.


We were all in the living room, me, dally, and soda were talking on the couch, pony and Johnny were chasing each other around the room because Johnny stole pony's book, Steve was standing in the kitchen door way so I couldn't get in to see what darry was making for breakfast. We were all laughing until the door swung open and slammed shut and a very high pitch squeal echoed through the house. Soda looked up at Steve and then over at the door "oh hey Two-Bit" he said with a confused look. "I MET SOMEONE!" Two announced very loudly "OW FUCK!" Darry screamed from the kitchen. "WHAT IS THE YELLING ABOUT YA LITTLE SHITHEADS!" Darry yelled. "Sorry papa" Two-Bit yelled from the living room. "Ah hey two, thought that was Steve but" Darry answered. "Do I really sound like that you assholes?!" Steve said. "Yes...yes you do" I answered. Every one nodded in agreement. "Anyways two who's the next blonde headed, greaser whore, who wears two much make up and scream....a lot" I asked. "Heyyyyyy be nice" two said with a whine. "Ok fine, who's the unlucky lady" Dallas asked. "Wellllll their names soyair" two said. "Ew" soda said. "Shush you dated a girl named sandy...beachy bitch." Two said in response. The whole gang started dying of laughter. "Oh by the way, happy birthday bitch" two said. "Thanks two...I feel the love" I said back. "So is soyair coming to lot with us later?" I asked. "If it's good with y'all" two said looking around. "It's fine." We all said. "You know I can still hear you, I have moms ears!" Darry yelled from the kitchen. We all heard "mom ears" and started dying of laughter again only this time two was quite literally rolling on the ground.


We were all hanging out down at the lot well except two who was late as always. I wished he would hurry up I would like to open my gifts. "Omg pony remember when Johnny tackled you earlie?" I asked. "Oh shut it" pony said with a laugh. Just then two and some blonde boy approached the lot. "Hey Two, who's this?" Soda asked. "Guys..this is soyair" he said. Me, Johnny, pony, Steve, and soda all looked at each other "YOUR ONE OF US!" We all yelled. "Are all my friends gay?" Darry asked. "Hey man I'm not" dally said. Every turned to him. "Wellllllll," Johnny said. "Johnny Cade shut it!" Dally yelled. "So soyair are you and a thing?" I asked with a smirk. "Ummm" soyair said and looked at two. "Yes" two responded. "WE FOUND ANOTHER!" Steve yelled. Then I was aloud to open my gifts

Two got me a jar of tiny candy bananas

Dally got me a new pair of high top black converse(FINALLY!)

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Dally got me a new pair of high top black converse(FINALLY!)

Soda got me a bottle of pepsi charm to go on my charm bracelet "Here I'll always be with you" he said

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Soda got me a bottle of pepsi charm to go on my charm bracelet
"Here I'll always be with you" he said. "Soda your not dying" I said with a laugh.

 "Soda your not dying" I said with a laugh

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Darry got me a desk lamp.
"Maybe you'll actually do your homework!" He said when he gave it to me.

Steve got me a switchblade"Because ya tried to kill me with the other one and we don't need those memories" he said as he gave it to me

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Steve got me a switchblade
"Because ya tried to kill me with the other one and we don't need those memories" he said as he gave it to me.

Steve got me a switchblade"Because ya tried to kill me with the other one and we don't need those memories" he said as he gave it to me

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Johnny got me a cigarette charm for my bracelet and a pack of cigarettes
"Me and you are gonna have a talk later" Darry said. "Don't worry dar it's a inside joke because nevvy doesn't smoke" Johnny answered

 "Don't worry dar it's a inside joke because nevvy doesn't smoke" Johnny answered

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Ponyboy got me a book

And last soyair got me 5 dollars

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And last soyair got me 5 dollars.

"Thank you everyone! I love you all" I said. "We love ya too" they all said and gave me a hug. I feel like me and soyair will get along good.

Don't fall in love with a heartbreaker(Dallas Winston X Neveah Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now