I hate darry!

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It's been about a week since the um...incident. In that time I've seen two and Johnny the most. I've seen Darry and soda when they arnt at work and pony has been busy with school, and I think phe is scared that I wouldn't wanna see her, and we'll dally...that's a whole different story and I don't expect to see him anytime soon. I was laying in bed talking to two because he had agreed to stay with me, "so...you miss dal at all?" He asked. "I mean..I wish I knew why he was ignoring me. Of course I miss him, but I really don't expect to see him any time soon." I said tapping my fingers. I heard someone walk in, it was pony. "Hey pones" I said. "Hey nevvy" he said sitting at the end of my bed "how they treatin ya?" He asked. "Like I'm mentally Ill, and like I'm gonna kill myself at any given chance" I said. "Oh...sorry" he said. "Eh...I wouldn't trust me either" I said. "You ok? You look like you haven't slept in days" pony said. "Wow thanks, but yea it's been about 2 days. My meds make it hard for me to fall asleep" I said. "Where's Johnny?" He then asked. "He's hung out with me quite a bit but he still blames this on himself, I told him this would have happened one way or another...trust me I planned it" I said. "Um...anyways have either of you heard from dally?" I asked. "Nope, he won't talk to any of us at least not as a group" pony said. "Does he even know?" I asked with a slight eye roll. "I think phe told him, but i don't know" two said. Suddenly I heard someone else walk in, it was soda and...phoebe?! "Hey.." soda said walking in. "Oh...hey" I said sitting up slightly. "Anyways, pony how's school?" I asked. "Eh it's fine, better if you where ther" he answered. "Pony I barely go anyway, I only go so Darry will let me drop out and get a job next year" I said with a sigh. The room went silent phe stood in the corner of the room awkwardly and I wondered why we couldn't just talk like we used too "Jesus I'm sorry" I said. "Sorry for what?" Pony asked. "Everything, I'm putting you guys through hell" I said tears welling in my eyes. "Hey, don't talk like that" soda said. "There was a reason I did what I did, I thought if I was...gone then you guys could finally be happy and the drama would end. But I fucking failed and put you through more shit!" I said crying by now "no nevvy, we could never get along without you" soda said. "Yea, s-sodas right" phe finally spoke. "Thanks guys but you don't need to pity me" I said wiping my eyes.

*the next day*

The next day I was sitting in bed while Johnny was sitting in the chair. When Darry and soda walked in "hey" I said sitting up. "Hey, Johnny can u go for a sec" Darry asked. "Yea sure" Johnny said getting up. "So we need to talk" soda said. "Ok...about what?" I asked. "The mental hospital..." darry said. 'Shit shit shit' i thought. "Um alright" I said. "Me and soda have come to a decision, and we believe that it's best if you go" darry said. "What!?!" I yelled. My brothers of all people knew how much I hated that place, "I'm sorry Nev but it's what's best, im your guardian and it's my job to keep you safe" darry said. "Oh so now you decided to be a parent!" I said with an eye roll. "I'm sorry but I've made up my mind, you'll leave this time next week and your stay is 4 weeks" darry said. "I fucking hate you!" I screamed. "You don't mean that" soda said. "Oh I don't!? Hate you and I hate myself and I hate this stupid world! Now do you believe me!?" I yelled. "Get the fuck out!" I then screamed. They quickly walked out and Johnny walked back in "hey, hey what's wrong?" Johnny asked walking over and sitting on the bed next to me "darry and soda are sending me to a mental hospital" I said. "Oh..." Johnny said. I laid back and cried, why would they do this!?

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