Knife fight

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"Wanna go for a walk?" Dally asked after we ate. "Sure" I said and we walked to the Lot. When we got there some Sox started hitting on me dally seemed to stay back until he grabbed my arm and dally smacked him "DALLAS!" I yelled "so this is the big bad Dallas huh?" The Soc said. I was gonna say something smart but dally gave me the side eye "well not big or bad anymore but, yea" I answered. He grabbed my waist and pulled me into him, I punched him in the jaw "GOD DAMNIT!" He yelled and let's just say a full on fist fight. Eventually the blades came out and then we started fighting again he looked suprised that I had a switch on me. After awhile I turned to dally and he punched him, I quickly realized he was about to stab me "thanks!" I to,d dally. I closed my least I thought and I put it in my pocket. We began walking and after a little dally said "nevy...your bleeding". "I am?" I asked. "Nev let me see your switch real quick" he said. I went to grab it and pulled had cut my finger "ow" I said. "You ok?" He asked looking worried. "Um yeah I guess I forgot to close my switch all the way" I said with a light chuckle. "Give me the switch" dally said leaving me confused "why?" I asked. "Because I asked, give me the switch" he said. I was very confused at this point "no" I said crossing my arms. "Nev I don't want you hurting yourself I'll ask nicely one more time. Give. Me. The. Switch" he said, so he thought I did this on purpose. I was annoyed "or what's going to happen huh?" I asked getting smart. Suddenly dally grabbed my switch out of my back pocket "Dallas give that back!" I yelled. "No, now give me the butterfly knife too" he said. "no!" I said, "Neveah I said give it to me" he said holding out his hand. "Whatever here!" I said giving it to him, "thank you!" He said sarcastically.  "Yea yea whatever" I said with a sigh, "I'm going to bucks" dally said. "Ok whatever go to bucks and flirt with some other broad" I said rolling my eyes. Dally turned around and looked at me "you heard me" I said crossing my arms. "Neveah that's nonsense I don't go to bucks to 'flirt with broads'" he said looking at me like I was crazy. "Yea right" I said rolling my eyes, he stepped closer to me "there's not even a party going on" he said in a know it all voice. "So? What about all the greaser whores that hang around even when there's not a party?" I said with a sigh "you really don't trust me?" He said, "you can't trust me with my switchblades then I can't trust you with girls" I said give ig him a glare "ok whatever see ya around" he said walking off I walked over to Darrys after that I walked in and sat down "where were you?" He asked. "With dally why?" I asked. Darry sighed "I really don't know what you see in him" he said rolling his eyes "yea well not a lot of people do, anyways I need the first aid kit" I said standing up. "What do you do?" Darry asked, "well this is gonna sound bad when I say it but I 'cut myself' not like that though, i got in a fight with a soc and when I went to go put my switch away I didn't close it fully and it cut my leg" I  said, "yea right, just give my your switchblades" Darry said. "See I would but dally already took them" I said walking to the bathroom "oh so he finally does something good" darry said sitting down. After I got cleaned up I headed over to bucks when I walked in dally was sitting at the bar "hey buck!" I said walking over "oh hey Neveah! We were just talking about you" he answered, "oh where you know?" I said sitting down and looking at dally "buck I said her name once!" Dally said, "well what were you saying about me" I said "nothing really" dally answered. "Ok well anyways, people thinking I cut the back of my leg on purpose seems to be a popular opinion" I said looking at dally. Dally scoffed and walked upstairs "Jesus Christ I can't bring up anything he doesn't want me to without him walking away" I said to buck. "He's getting to act more like you every day Neveah" buck answered. "I do not walk away a from my problems" I scoffed. "You kinda do nev" buck answered, I rolled my eyes and left on the way back yet another soc started flirting with me. "Well hey there pretty lady" the soc said "hi?" I answered."so you and your boyfriend got into a little argument?" He asked. "H-how did you know that?" I asked genuinely confused. "Well you know that soc that you beat up?" He asked. "Um yea?" I answered not sure where this was going. "Well he's my brother" he said, "oh well...sorry not sorry?" I said. "It's no big deal he had it coming anyways what do you say we go out to the movies?" He asked, "no thanks I have a boyfriend" I answered. "Oh come on I can treat you so much better" he said grabbing my waist. "I suggest you stop touching me before my boyfriends boyfriend senses kick in and he comes and bashes your head in" I said. Just as I did the soc fell to the ground "ouch!" He yelled. I looked over at dally and he had a frying pan "where did you get a frying pan from?" I asked, "not the time for questions" he said. Suddenly the soc stood up and grabbed my arm dally went to go hit him again but I kicked his knee. They got into a fight and then dally threw the pan at him "there keep it" he said walking back to bucks. I walked home "NEVEAH I GOT A NEW BOOK!" Pony yelled when i got in the house. I squealed and we both ran upstairs to go read it.

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