Chapter 1

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Origin of the name Donovan: a brown haired chieftain; leader, warrior.

Origin of the name Malkinson: An untidy woman/pet; loyal, follower, second hand to the chief.


My name is Clyde. Slick, cool, slips right off the tongue. Clyde Donovan.

At the beginning of senior year my girlfriend, Bebe Stevens, broke up with me. It's been two months since then and I still haven't found another girl to date.

It's unusual for a guy like me to be single. I'm positive the girls are all just a bit shy, scared to make the first move.

It's early November, everyone is on the comedown from their Halloween high, I'm no exception. I got buzzed at a house party my friend Tolkien was throwing. My head still hurts from the hangover. It wasn't my first time drinking but I probably went too far.

I've got a big game coming up soon. I'm the captain of the football team, so I need to get it together. As long as I take it easy today and stay in quiet areas, I should be fine for practice tomorrow.

I'm in the library with a couple of my friends. When I say couple I don't just mean two, they're actually a couple. Tweek, a spazy blonde boy, and Craig, a cool headed cynic who is also my best friend. Tweek is asleep on Craigs lap.

The library is nice and quiet in the mornings. Few people show up this early, right now it's just us and the librarian I think.

I close my eyes and rest my head against the cool pages of a book. This is nice.

"Hey guyth!"

Oh Jesus Christ. I know that speech impediment. That goddamn annoying voice.

Scott Malkinson. A boy who tries to talk to me sometimes, he annoys the fuck outta me. His tongue always sticks out a bit too far so he doesn't speak properly. If he would just slow down maybe he wouldn't be so annoying.

I smile politely at Him. "Hey, Scott. What are you doing here so early?"

"Well, I was justh helping with the librarian dutieth."

Oh my god, I can't deal with his voice when my hangover is this bad.

"Haha, that's nice."

"Yep! I'll get back to it."

"See ya."

He finally leaves. I sigh from relief.

Craig snickers. "Nice acting, I almost thought you were tolerating him for a bit."

"Shut up... I just needed him gone quickly. My head is pounding..."

I close my eyes again. Back to the silence.

I usually hate silence, but I need it right now.

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