Chapter 67

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I take a moment to do a big overhead stretch. Craig and I just worked on our project for a couple of hours and I'm starting to get really tired.

Scott has been working on his homework. He has headphones in but I can still hear his music.


He doesn't answer. I'll use this time to ask Craig about what's been on my mind.

"Hey, Craig?"


"Do you remember how you said you were going to beat up Dave?"

"Yes, I do. I still plan on doing that. The dude chickened out and didn't show up at school today or yesterday. So I'm just waiting for him to show up."

"What? You didn't already do it?"

"No? Why? Are you disappointed that I haven't?"


I look over at Scott. He looks distracted still.

"Craig... I saw him at the hospital."

"You did? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine... He wasn't though. His arm was broken and he had been beaten to a pulp. He was talking to a doctor about two of his friends who supposedly also got hurt."

"Maybe he got jumped."

"I don't know... He wouldn't tell the doctor who did it. If it was someone random, he should have no problem telling someone..."

"Dude probably has a lot of enemies."

"You're right. I'm just glad he's out of the picture for a little bit. I don't want him to go near Scott."

"What if Scott was the one that did it?"

"Pfft- Scott? He is too nice to mess someone up like that."

"I don't know man. After Tweek and I told him what happened he got really upset. I was worried for Tweek, that dude was pissed off and looked like he wanted to kill someone. Did you not notice that when we came to see you?"

"I do kinda remember..."

"Well, if he hurt someone that bad, his knuckles would've split open. He would have some scrapes too. You could always check."

"You're right. Okay, thanks. I'll be getting off now, same time tomorrow?"

"Yeah. See you."

Craig hangs up and I take off my headset. Scott looks up and smiles. "All done?"

"Yeah... Can I ask you something weird?"


I go over to him. "Can I see your hands?"

"My hands?"



I look closely at his knuckles but they're unscratched. He has some blisters on his palms but that's probably from PE. I guess he didn't do it either. Who did it then?

"Why did you want to see my hands?"

"Oh... Don't get freaked out or anything but Dave and his friends were in the hospital. They got beat up worse than I did... Sorry, I didn't think it was you but I wanted to make sure."

"Oh. It was me."


"I hurt them. They hurt you so it's fine right?"

"But- your knuckles- Craig said you would've split them open..."

"Oh. I don't know how to fight so I didn't punch them or anything. I used a baseball bat."

Scott smiles at me. He doesn't feel bad at all. He really thinks what he did was right. 

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