Chapter 27

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"Why did you come looking for me? Are you here to remind me of how bad I did? Because I've heard that enough times."

"No, I'm not. I'm here to see if you're okay."

"Well, I'm not. Case closed. Thanks for checking."


He climbs up and sits next to me. I'm trying so hard not to cry.

"Clyde... it's okay to be upset... I can tell you're holding it in... I'm the only one here so... let it out."

Damn it. I don't want to break down in-front of him. But I can't hold it in. Tears pour from my eyes.

"I got... kicked from the team..."

"What?! For one bad game?!"

"Yeah... Coach said I need to take a break..."

"I'm so sorry..."

"Then Jenny and I got in a fight, so we aren't dating anymore..."


Is he... holding back a smile right now? No, I must be imagining things.

"I'm so scared right now, Scott..."


"I just lost so much, and now that you're here, I'm scared you're going to leave me too..."

"Why would I do that?"

"At some point you'll start to see how messed up I am and you won't want to be around me..."

"Not true. Whatever flaws you have are just part of who you are. I already told you this, but I fell for you. I didn't fall for just the good things about you, I fell for you. All of you."

"You seriously don't think I'm a mess?"

"Oh, I definitely think you're a mess sometimes. But you're also cool, caring, and you have a sort of... playful personality that draws me in every time I'm around you."

"I'm sorry I rejected you..."

"It's okay. If you don't like me then you don't like me. You can't change your feelings."

"But that's not it. I never said I didn't like you. I only said I had a girlfriend. A girlfriend that I got because I was scared. Scared of falling for you any more than I already had."

I can't believe I'm pouring my feelings out right now...


"But I'm just not... good enough. And I want you to be happy but I don't know if I could be the one to make you happy."


"And after everything I did to try and get over you I just ended up with more feelings than I-"


Scott... kissed me.

He just... went for it... he kissed... me...

He smiles at me. "Calm down."

I want more.

I hold the back of his neck and kiss him.

We are kissing... I can't believe...

My heart is beating so fast... what is this..? It's more intense than anything I've felt before...

He scoots closer to me so we aren't leaning forward to much.

I kiss him over and over, trying to confirm that it was real.

And it was. It's real. This is real. 

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