Chapter 72

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I don't know why, but Dave's comment made my blood boil. "Shut up. Why do you always have to nitpick people who are different from you? You're a fucking bully who thinks he's the shit when in reality you're just a sad kid with temperament issues."

"Oh yeah? At least I'm not a fucking homo. You two-"

"EXCUSE ME?" PC Principal stands up. "Dave Davinater. Would you care to repeat what you just said?"

Dave flinches. He must know he just fucked up. "I was just saying that he is a uhm... homosexual. That's probably why he's putting on such a show... You must know that gay people always-"


"Sir? No, I was just saying you shouldn't be fooled by them..." 


PC Principal is practically shaking right now. Might as well put on a show.

I scoot closer to Scott and hug his arm tightly. "I was so scared for my boyfriend... they said they would hurt him and called us slurs... PC Principal? Why must we be oppressed for loving each other?" I give him my best innocent and scared expression.

I hear Craig holding back a laugh.

Scott pats my head. "It's okay, baby. I'm sure someone in this world can learn to accept us..."

PC Principal hands us a box of tissues. "You have been through so much... You three may leave... I'll have a talk with these oppressors." 

I take a tissue and pretend to wipe a tear from my eye. "I knew you would understand... Thank you..."

The three of us step out. We wait by the door after it closes. Craig snickers to himself. "That was too good. You two fucking nailed that act."

Scott hugs me. "Maybe gay people are just good actors like Dave was trying to say."

I laugh. "Please. If you saw Craig try to act you would never even think of saying that."

Craig agrees. "Yeah. I couldn't have pulled that one off."

Suddenly I'm startled by yelling from behind the door. PC principal is going off on those guys. If I didn't hate them so much, I would feel bad.

I don't though. They deserve his wrath.

After 5 minutes, they come out of the office. They look absolutely defeated. I think Dave might be on the verge of tears. Did we just win?

My coach steps out. "Hey. We looked through everything. I'm sorry for not giving you the benefit of the doubt. You're free to come back as team captain whenever you are feeling better. Your record is clear and I'll still be submitting that college recommendation I was talking about last year. You are going places, kid."

He walks away. I look over at Scott and smile. "Happy ending. See?"

His breath is shaky, he is trying not to cry. "I was so scared I messed it up..."

"Well, you didn't. Thank you for staying by my side. Both of you."

I take Scott's hand and we walk out of the school. I think we should finally be able to just be teens now. We can enjoy the rest of our senior year. Together.


For the first time in my life, I was able to see it. See him. Not a diabetic boy with a lisp. Not a loner boy with freckles and brown hair. Not the boy who works in the library every Monday and Wednesday morning. 

Just him.

Just Scott.

And I am hopelessly in love.


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Gay gay homosexual gay

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