Chapter 69

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"Who told you about what happened?" I ask, not sure if he will even answer that kind of question.

"Dave came to me himself."

"Dave did?"

"Yes. I got all the details and proof of what happened."

Proof? Why would he give the coach proof of that?

"Coach, what did he tell you?"

"He told me about how you and your friend ganged up on him and two of his friends. He came to me with the x-rays and medical reports. You broke his arm, that's pretty serious, Clyde."


"I'm afraid violence like this is just too unacceptable. I have no choice but to permanently kick you from the team. And this will be going on your permanent record. The principal will be reviewing this soon enough, you should prepare yourself for suspension."

"Permanent record? You're going to put this out? This could ruin my future!"

"I'm sorry, Clyde. You should have thought before you did that to him. Jealousy gets you nowhere."

"JEALOUSY?! I didn't do that to him! He is the one who-"

"You can't try and shift the blame. We have proof here. It's already been shown that you are guilty here."

"There's no way! Anyone could have done that to him! This is fucking bullshit!"

"We have witnesses too. People say they saw you follow him into a room at that party."

"Fuck that! I have witnesses too!"

"If you think you can prove yourself innocent, then I'll give you two days. That's when the principal will send out the records."

"Okay. I'll find evidence. Thank you, coach."

I leave his office before he responds. That bastard has no faith that I'm innocent here.

I run to the front of the school. The bell just rung so people are only just leaving. I search the crowd for any of my friends.

I see Craig and run to him.

"Clyde? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be resting at home."

"Long story but I'm in trouble and I need to work fast. Have you seen Scott?"

"He went to the library to get his backpack."

"Okay. I'll go find him. Thanks."

He follows closely behind me. "I'm coming with. If you're in trouble I want to help however I can."

"Okay, thank you. Once we catch Scott I can explain everything."

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