Chapter 62

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Tweek and Craig helped get Scott and me to my car.

"Are you okay to drive?" Craig asked with a worried look on his face.

"I should be fine. Thanks for the help. I'll see you at school on Monday."

"I'm sorry this happened... I'll tell Tolkien about it and he can make sure those guys don't get in again."

"Thanks, man."

I drive us back to Scott's house. He is still loopy, but he's awake.

I can finally relax once I get him into his room. He falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow.

I sit next to him and gently brush my hand across his face. "I was so worried, Scott... So fucking worried about you..."

He's sleeping like a baby. He doesn't even know what's going on. I wonder if he will remember any of this.

I lie down next to Scott and fall asleep.


"Clyde?" Scott gently wakes me up.

"Oh... good morning. How do you feel?"

"My head hurts really bad... and I don't know how I got home. Did I do anything... embarrassing last night?"

"... No. No, you didn't. You just passed out so I took you home."

"That's good I guess... it could've been worse. Let's go eat."

I follow Scott into his kitchen and we eat. I do my best to hide how much pain I'm in.

When we finish, I go back up to his room while he showers.

I sit on his bed and stare at his carpet. Did I make the right choice? Not telling him what happened... this is all just so complicated...

I need to lie down... my body hurts.

"Clyde?" A hand touches my back.

Did I doze off? I swear I just closed my eyes for a second.

"Clyde... what's all this? This wasn't here last time I looked at you..."

Scott's hand slides up my back. He's lifted my shirt, he must be seeing how purple I am.

"Oh my god... they're everywhere... why are you injured?"

I slowly sit up and pull my shirt down. "It's nothing."

"Ha! You aren't allowed to say that when I can clearly see you are covered in bruises. Talk."

"Just some roughhousing at the party. No big deal."


"Scott... I really don't want to talk about it."

"Clyde. What happened at the party while I was drunk?"


"Oh god... I didn't... that wasn't me... was it?"

"No! No of course it wasn't!"

Scott looks genuinely scared...

"... Dave found us at the party. You followed him in cause you thought he was me. I went in to get you but I was cornered... he told me I had to let his friends to what they wanted with me or they would... take advantage of you... I didn't have a choice."


"All they did was beat me up. Nothing else."

"Clyde I'm so... I'm so sorry... I..."

I stand up and limp to the doorway. "I love you, but I need to go. My mind is a mess right now and I don't want to hurt you. I'll see you at school."

With that, I leave his house and return to my own. Trying my best to ignore his texts.

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