Chapter 10

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Scott doesn't look like he's feeling too good so I grab him a bottle of water from the pantry.

I toss him the water, the same way I always toss them to my friends, but he fumbles and doesn't catch it.

He quickly recovers the bottle, is he embarrassed that he didn't catch it? His face is red.

"Do you need anything to eat?"

"Oh.. no I brought some."

"Do you feel okay?"

"Yes. Thank you... for helping me."

"Your speech is getting better. Have you been practicing?"

"Well, yeah. You told me to."

I smile at that remark. So simple. So cu-

"AHHHH! Shut up shut up!"

Scott backs up. "Sorry! What did I thay?" He overs his mouth. "...say."

"Oh, not you."

"But I'm the only other... person here..."

"I'm not crazy or anything. I just had some intrusive thoughts."

"Oh. What were they?"

"Just, you know, stuff."


Fuck. I need to get inside. The cold must be getting to me.

"I was grabbing these cups for Tolkien. I'm gonna bring them in and go get a drink. Do you want one?"

"I don't drink."

"Okay well... do you know anyone else here?"

He frowns. "You aren't the only... person I know."

"Right. You should stay around people you know for the rest of the night."


We go back inside. I wait to drink until I confirm that he found someone to hang out with. I didn't know he was friends with Butters, but they're talking so everything should be fine.

I unwrap the cups and set them on the counter.

The mini fridge downstairs has a variety of beers. I grab a few and bring them with me.

The next few hours are a blur. Whatever beer I grabbed was really strong.


I'm floating through school. Due to the fact that this defies the laws of physics, I'm going to assume I'm in a dream.

I go into the library and sit down. It must be time for Scott's lesson.

My dreams are never controllable. It's always like I'm just watching a movie of myself. They usually don't make sense either.

Scott rides in on a giant version of Craig's pet, Stripe. He sits down and breaks a graham cracker in half, long ways.

He hands it to me and opens his mouth.

"No, Scott. Today we're going to practice making good use of your tongue."

"How do you mean?"

He looks up at me, blushing.

Suddenly I'm no longer holding the cracker. Instead, I'm holding something stiff. Something attached to my body.

"Open up, and make sure to use that tongue."

He grabs my hips and sticks out his tongue. His tongue gets closer and closer. I can almost feel it.

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