Chapter 14

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I get to the movie theater at our scheduled time. Jenny arrives just after me. She's a girl with shoulder-length black hair and bangs. She's shorter than Scott.

"Hey, Clyde! How are you?" She smiles at me.

"Good, and you?"

"Great now that you're my boyfriend. When Tolkien texted me about it I almost dropped my phone! That win the other night was really impressive." She runs her finger over my shoulder in a flirtatious way.

"Thanks. I've seen you on the sidelines as a cheerleader. You're pretty good yourself."

"It makes me happy that you actually noticed me! I have heard so many good things from Bebe. I'm surprised she broke up with you, especially after how well she said you performed in bed."

"Pretty forward, are we?"

"I know that's how you like it."

"Haha, it is."

It most certainly is not.

She wraps around my arm, hugging it to her chest. Pretty sure she's purposefully trying to get her boobs to press against me. "Should we get some snacks?"

"Of course. Come on."

The snack area is full of almost every snack I like. I'm big on boxed candy, I don't know why but I just feel like candy tastes better in boxes.

I grab some milk duds and popcorn. Jenny got a pink vitamin water and twizzlers.

We are seeing a horror movie that Tolkien said wasn't too scary. I'm a cool guy, but I get scared easily. So I hope it's not too scary.

We take our seats.

Jenny links arms with me. "Do you like the seats I chose? We are the only ones sitting in the back row."

I can't see her face clearly, but she's probably got a devious smile on.

"Yeah. It's nice."

"Good. Bebe said you liked the privacy."

Just what did Bebe tell her???

The movie was pretty cliché so I was able to predict all the Jump-scares. There was this one character who kinda reminded me of Scott.

He was my favorite. 

We go outside once the movie ends. I do a big, over head stretch once we step out. I glance over at Jenny. "What did you think of the movie?"

"Hmmm it was okay. Next time, let's watch one at my house. That way, if we get bored, we can entertain each-other."

"Did Bebe tell you that too?"

"No, that's just personal preference."

"Ah. Well, I should go then. I'll see you around. You have my number, right?"

"I do..."

"Something wrong?"

"Uhm... you're just gonna leave?"

"Yeah? I mean we finished the movie and it's getting late so..."

"I'm not saying you can't leave. I just think you're forgetting something."


"Ugh. You big idiot. A kiss! You're supposed to kiss me!"

"Oh, my bad. Come to my car."

She follows me back to my Jeep and gets in the passenger side.

I turn on the car and back out of my parking space.

"Clyde? Where are we going?"

"Just moving the car to the other corner of the lot. There's no cars over there so it's more private."

"You're pretty considerate..."

"Did Bebe say I wasn't?"

"No... but you're a meat head. I expected you to be selfish."

"That's not how I roll."

I park the car and take off my seatbelt. Leaning over the console, I hold her chin and kiss her.

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