Chapter 3

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This is bad... I can't possibly do a debate all on my own, and it looks like Dave is planning to leach off this project.

I guess I have no choice. I need this A to graduate.

"Scott... have you ever taken speech therapy?"

"Oneth, but it didn't go well."

"Well, we are going to try it again. I don't know if you'll be able to debate with that lisp. I need to get an A on this."

"There isthn't any thpeech therapy at thith school."

"... then I'll do it myself."

"You can't do a debate alone."

"Then I'll be your speech therapist. Can you meet with me every day after school until the project is done? Just for 5 minutes a day right before practice starts."

"I think I can do thath."

"Cool. For now, let's work on this."

Scott explains to me why he wanted to do this side of the argument. Apparently it's because the price of insulin is so high, and since he has diabetes, he is directly influenced by it. He ended up making a pretty good point. If only he could have made it while speaking normally.

"Are we meething afther thchool today?"

"Nah. Let's start tomorrow. That way I can figure out what I need to do."

"Okay! Thee you tomorrow."



I find Dave before practice. "Dude! Where were you?"

"Something came up."

"I'm going to assume 'something' will continue to come up while the project is going on?"

"I dunno, man. I'm a busy guy."

I sigh. "Dude, you left me with Scott Malkinson. For a debate project!"

"Guess you got the short end of the stick."

I'm furious at him right now, but I won't show it. He's the best kicker on the team, I can't risk ruining the flow our team has.

"Well, whatever. You can make up for it in practice."

"Sure thing, Captain."


The next day after school, I meet with Scott in the library. He brought a pack of gram crackers to snack on.

"Hi Clyde. Don't mind thith, I have to eat every-"

"I know, Scott. And it's fine. Do what you gotta do."


I take out a few flash cards. "Lets just try some words. Can you say... Thunderstorm?"


"No... move your tongue back, get it away from your teeth."


"Okay, not that far back."

"I dont understhand..."

I look around the table. These should work... I pick up a gram cracker and split it in half long ways.

"Open your mouth."

He hesitates, but opens up.

"Okay... I'm just gonna move it to where its supposed to be, then you can try holding it there."

I use the gram cracker to move his tongue back a little bit, setting it right behind his bottom teeth.

"Right there... Okay try holding it."

I remove the cracker and his tongue starts to slip out again. I shove the cracker back in.

"Hold it, Scott."

I peek at my watch... Theres 5 minutes until practice starts...

"Practice that, I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow."

I start to walk away but when he doesn't respond to me I turn around.

He has his hand over his mouth, he's looking down so I cant see his face. Shit, did I hurt his mouth?

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