Chapter 33

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-smut warning-

"Ha.... You're good at this, Clyde..."

"You'd be surprised at how many things I'm good at."

I grip harder and continue to stroke him. I know this feels good but it could use more... oh. I know.

I kiss him once on the lips before moving to his neck and sucking on it.

"Ah- my- hahh... yes..."

He sounds so sexy right now.

"Ah!" He jolts. "I- I'm gonna-"

"It's okay. Let it out."

"Ah- ha- mmmhhppphh!!!" He cocks his head back in pleasure as he reaches his climax.

"Woah, you came a lot. I didn't know you had it in you."



"That felt so good... I want more..."

I smirk at him. "You told me we were waiting until our first date. Calm down."

"But you're still hard..."

"You wanna give it a try? Try doing what I just did to you. I know you're a quick learner."

"I can do that."

Scott follows the movements I made almost exactly. He sucks on my neck and strokes my dick. This is the best feeling hand job I've had. It's weird to say that it's from Scott.

"Hah... just like that. Make sure to keep a good grip- ah! Yes..."

He keeps looking up and down between me and my erection. He's checking to make sure I feel good. He's so nice...

I pull his head towards mine and kiss him.

He may be doing a good job, but I'm much harder to please than he is.

I place my hand over his and guide his movements to what I'm used to. He picks up on the technique quickly and maintains the speed once I take my hand away.

Holy fuck it feels so good. My body feels like it's floating.

"Ah- fuck-" I lean forward and place my forehead on his shoulder.

"It's okay. Take your time." He whispers directly into my ear. Just like I did the first time I went to his house.


His voice in my ear was enough to finish me off.

I kiss him again. I can't believe we just did that, and it went so well. I guess we really are compatible.

"Thank you, Clyde. I knew my first sexual experience would be good if it was with you..."

"And thank you. You're pretty skilled for someone who has zero experience."

He blushes and looks away. What a cutie.

I clean up the tissues we used. We both fix our clothes and lie on the bed together.

He stays wrapped in my arms for a few hours. We just sit, talking about anything. Simply enjoying each-others company.

After a while passes, I take him home. He gets inside safely before I drive back to my house.

I'm lovestruck.


I can't stop thinking about him.

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