Chapter 7

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"Haha yeah. Although I'd hate to see him cry, it's probably really ugly. But teaching him a little lesson wouldn't hurt."

Are they dumb?

I step out of my stall. "Do I need to remind you that behavior like that can get you guys kicked off the team?"

Dave rolls his eyes. "Who cares? It's Scott we're talking about."

"I care. Don't even think about it Dave, it would be a shame to have to kick you off the team. You're talented."


Dave and the other two boys he was talking to walk away. I better keep an eye on them.


"Now, let's welcome the home team, the South Park cows!!"

The announcer calls us in. I lead the pack, running out into the feild with a smile. This part of the game always reminds me of pageants. Just smile and wave.

I'm still mad about what Dave said earlier, but it's fine. I run faster when I'm mad anyway.

The team huddles up and I give a little pep talk. Just something to remind them of how important this game is.

The game goes pretty much how I expected. For the most part at least. I messed up a bit and now North Park is in the lead by three points.

We need to score two field goals or one touchdown to win. There's 5 minutes left on the clock, which isn't much time.

Dave kicks the ball pretty far. Our quarterback has it now, and he's running for the goal.

He gets tackled. The other team has it now...

10 yards until they touchdown.

9 yards... 8...

I run as fast as I can and take a leap of faith. I manage to knock them down 6 yards from the goal.

One minute left. We need to score a touchdown fast or else we loose.

I can't hear the crowd anymore. Just my heartbeat.

The whistle blows. Our quarterback has the ball. He's running for it.


They're almost on him. He's not gonna make it.


The ball is thrown my way.

Oh god. I can't do this.

30 seconds left. 

The ball flies to me in slow motion.

No, I can't. I can't...

Then, as if a switch flips in my head, I remember what Scott told me.

Fun... this is fun... it's a game... just have fun... I can do this!

I jump up and catch the ball, I stumble a bit but stay upright.

Every ounce of power I have I pour into my legs to run faster than I ever have before.

10 seconds.

I'm not gonna make it.

5 seconds.

It's too far.

3.. 2...


I fall to my hands and knees, wheezing and gasping for air.

I did it.

I'm the best.

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