Chapter 17

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"Okay." Scott smiles. He looks proud.

"Just text me the address."

"I don't think I have your number..."

"What? We traded numbers a long time ago. I even texted you recently."

"Oh... were you the one who texted me asking how I wath feeling? Sorry, I got a new phone a while ago so you aren't in my contacth. I just ignored it."

I pout. "Now would be a good time to add me."

He takes out his phone and types for a second. My phone buzzes.

Scott: Lalalala I'm texting you

He's adorable.

"Scott, what did you put my name as in your phone?"

"Doeth that matter?"

"Yeah. What is it?"

"Just Clyde."

"Put a heart emoji at the end or something. My name should never be so boring."

"A... heart emoji..?"

"Yes. Or whatever you think fits."

He looks through his emojis for a second before selecting one. He snickers at his phone.

"What? What did you put?"


"Pleeeaseeee show me?"

"Thorry. You have to earn that. Fix all the retherch tonight and I'll thow you."

"Deal. No going back."

"Of course."

He puts his phone away and sorts through the papers. I'm impressed with how well he's doing when he talks. Therapy must've helped.

Oh shit, I almost forgot.

"Scott? Are we still on for therapy after school? If you want, we can just go to your house for that. I don't have practice today so..."

"That works."


I would spend my day preparing for my hangout with Scott, but I told my girlfriend I would meet her at lunch.

"Babe! There you are! Come on!" Jenny takes my arm and pulls me over to the table of popular girls.

Bebe folds her arms and looks at me. "About time you moved on. I was starting to think you were hung up on me."

"Please. I don't get hung up on anything."

Jenny sits me down and starts introducing her friends.

"That's Bebe, of course you already know her. This is Annie, she's our best gymnast on the cheerleading team."

I wish I was with Scott.

"This is Wendy, she's way smart and our captain. She's super tech savvy."

I wonder what he's doing right now. Is he eating lunch?

"That's Sara, Tammy, Lisa, and Nicole."

What kind of lunch does he bring? He probably packs his own. Does he make it himself?

"And that's all! What do you think?"

I've never thought about what his diet might look like. Does he cook?


It would be funny to see him in a chef uniform.

"Clyde? Hello?"

Who does he eat lunch with?


Jenny waves her arm in-front of my face, snapping me out of my daze.

"Oh, sorry. What was the question?"

"I asked you what you thought of all my friends."

"Right! They all seem really nice. I've seen them all around school. It's good to meet everyone."

She smiles and turns to her friends. "See? Tell me he isn't just the sweetest! We make such a good couple."

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