Chapter 19

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He sets his papers in-front of me.

"Okay. I put a... list of things you need to look up. If you have questions, don't just athume. Ask, I know a lot about this."

"Okay cool. While I work on this, do you wanna practice your speaking? We have the intro for our debate all written out so you can just recite that."


Scott recites our debate while I work on research. He messes up a few times and I have him restart. After five tries, he gets it cleanly.

"Nice, Scott! That sounded great!"

He puts the paper down and looks at me. "Really?"


"Oh good... hopefully I can pull it off on Monday..."

"I know you can do it. Just keep practicing. I'll be here whenever you need me."

"Thank you, Clyde... no one has ever done this kind of thing for me..."

"Not a problem. I'm having fun."

"You are?"

"Yeah... spending... time with you... is..."

"Clyde? What's wrong?"

Excellent question. Why am I struggling to speak right now?

"Oh no... Clyde..." Scott hands me a box of tissues from his night stand.


"Why am I giving you tissues? Because you're crying?"

I put a hand to my face. I am crying...

"Come sit on the bed, it's more comfortable."

I take a tissue and sit next to Scott on his bed. This is so embarrassing...

The tears stopped just as fast as they started.

"Do you wanna tell me what's wrong..?"

"I don't know... I mean I don't really know why I started crying either."

"Are you at least feeling better..?"

"Yeah... thanks..."

I lean my head back and close my eyes for a moment. Nothing makes sense right now. Why is my heart racing so fast... and why did I cry?

I hope he doesn't think I'm weak now...


I feel a hand playing with my hair. It's so warm. My entire body feels warm. I'm so relaxed... did I fall asleep???

I open my eyes. My head is resting on someone's lap. And they are gently running their fingers across my hair.

I turn my head to look up. It's Scott. I'm still in his room.

"Morning, sleepyhead."

"Mmm... when did I fall asleep..?" I say as I sit up.

"After you cried. You must've been pretty tired. Have you been sleeping enough?"

"I have. I guess I just felt comfortable."

"I'm glad..."


"Uhm... Clyde? Can I tell you something?"

"Of course. What's up?"

"Well we've been spending a lot of time together and..."

Uh oh.

"I think you're really cool..."

He isn't going to...

"I just wanted to tell you how I feel..."

I can't let him do this.

"Clyde, I think I like-"

"WOAHH- haha! Look at the time."


"I guess I slept for a while, huh."


"Did we wrap up what we needed to for the project?"


He puts his hand over my mouth and holds it shut.

"Let me speak. I know this might be hard for you to hear, but it's probably much harder for be to say. So at LEAST listen to what I'm saying."

Damn it...

I nod and he takes his hand off my mouth.

"I like you, Clyde."

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