Chapter 71

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A couple of minutes after I get home, Tolkien calls me.

"Hey, man. Did you find anything?"

"I mean, yeah. I need you to be more specific about what you want. Obviously, since he was walking around the house I have some footage of him. I asked my smart ai to track any footage of his face."

"As long as you have footage of him leaving your house unharmed."

"I do. I can email those to you."

"That would be amazing. Thank you."

"Hey, I do have one video that popped up... it's from an older party."

"Oh? What's going on in it?"

"It's video footage of Dave taking what looks like Scott's insulin bag."

"I remember that... send it to me just in case. I can also track your faces if you want."

I almost say yes before I remember that time I almost kissed Scott in Tolkien's kitchen. "Nah. This is enough."

"Alright. Let me know if you need anything else."

"I will. Thanks. Bye."


I go upstairs and start compiling the evidence I have into a folder. How do I go about presenting all of this?


After two days of stress and very little sleep, Scott, Craig, and I go into the principal's office. Inside, the principal is waiting. Along with my coach, Dave, and his friends. 

I don't know if I've ever been more nervous in my entire life. 

I have to get this right or else my chances of getting into college are practically zero.

The principal (his first name is PC and his last name is Principal) leans back in his chair and folds his arms. "Well, we should settle this as soon as possible. Clyde Donovan, what evidence do you want to show me?"

I gulp. "Uhm. I emailed it to you. If you could watch the first video, it shows that Dave left the party unharmed..."

"I see... Dave? What do you have to say about this?"

"He started hitting me once I was outside. He didn't want to get caught by the other people at the party."


I am shaking. What do I do now?

Craig speaks up. "Scott and I both saw what those two did to Clyde. They didn't wait to get out of the house, they trapped him in a guest room."

Craig looks at me and I nod. I lift my shirt to show my bruised-up stomach and ribcage. "They kicked me over and over. They uhm..."

Fuck I'm too nervous I can't speak...

Scott takes my hand and continues what I was saying. "It'th true. We both got thuck in the room and they thaid that Clyde had to take a beating or elth they would do worth to me."

His lisp... He hasn't lisped in so long that I almost forgot about it... He's nervous too...

Dave sits up. "He can't even speak clearly. Isn't that an obvious sign that he is lying?"

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