Chapter 63

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36 Unread messages. I don't even know if they're all from Scott. I haven't been talking to anyone. It's Monday morning, so maybe I should check them...

I was right in thinking most of them were from Scott. He basically just kept asking me to talk to him. I got a few from Craig and Tolkien and one from Tweek. I guess people freak out when you go off the charts. Should I skip school today?

I think I will.

I lay in bed for most of the day. It hurts to move, and the pain just reminds me of what happened. I don't know why this is messing me up so much. I guess it's the fact I had to sit there and take it even though I know I could've fought back.

The doorbell rings over and over for a few minutes. My dad asks me to get it but I don't answer.

After about a minute, my door opens. My dad pokes his head into my room. "Hey, there are some friends here to see you."

I sit up. "Can you just tell them to leave?"

A deep voice from behind my dad answers. "No fucking way. You have to deal with us eventually." 

I know that voice. It's Craig.

My dad moves out of the way and my friends step in. Tweek, Craig, Tolkien, and... Scott...

"Hey... Guys..." 

Craig steps forward and grabs my arm. He lifts it up and points to it. I'm wearing a tank top so you can see my bruises.

"See? I told you it was bad." He says to Tolkien.

"Shit... It really is purple... I thought it was just a few bruises but you guys weren't exaggerating..."

I pull my arm away. This is humiliating. "Why did you guys come here? To look at my bruises?"

Craig scoffs. "You know exactly why we are here. You can't ghost every single one of us and expect us to just stand by. Why are you hiding from the world?"

I look around the room. They all look worried. Except for Scott. Scott looks mad. Scott looks like he wants to kill someone.

"I... I don't know. I just didn't want to face anyone..."

"So you shut yourself off? What do you think that did to us? What do you think that did to your fucking boyfriend?"

I look at Scott. He's just standing in the corner of the room with his arms folded. He isn't saying a word.

I sigh. "I'm sorry. I guess it's just hard to face everyone after something like that... It's so... humiliating... and I can't stop replaying it in my head."

Craig yells. "Yeah?! Cause it was fucking traumatic! Did you expect to walk away with just some surface wounds?"

Tweek pulls Craig back a bit. He always does that when Craig is getting too heated.

I look up at Scott in the back of the room. "I'm sorry for ghosting, but put yourself in my shoes. How do you just go back to normal after that?"

Scott finally moves away from the wall. "Everyone leave. I need to talk to him alone."

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