Chapter 57

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I follow Scott around a party store as he looks at the masks. He's pretty indecisive.

He chooses a mask that looks like it's made of leaves. It's very involved. Mine is just plain red.

We go back home to get ready for the party. He looks like he's having fun...

I still feel bad for what I said yesterday...

When we get home we start to get ready for the party. I didn't think there was much to do to get ready for something like this but Scott has been preparing for almost 30 minutes. All I did was put on my mask.

I sit on the bed and look through my phone while I wait for Scott. He steps into the room and spins around to show me his outfit. He picked one out that matched his mask perfectly. 

I stand up and walk over to him. "Pff- you spent all that time picking out an outfit?"

He smiles. "Yes. And it looks great."

I wrap my arms around his waist and sway with him. "Has anyone ever told you how fucking gay you are?"

"Haha, I think the fact I have a cute boyfriend is proof enough."

"I don't think I ever asked... Are you strictly gay?"

"No, I like girls too. I just haven't ever dated one."

"Oh, cool. I guess we're the same then."

"Yeah. I've liked girls in the past, but I never loved one. Not the way I love you."

My heart skips a beat. I'm sure he has said things like this plenty of times before, so why does it still make me feel so good?

"You really love me?"

He puts his hands on each side of my face. "Of course I do. I think that is pretty obvious."

Even with that goofy green mask, he still looks hot. 

I'm getting flustered...

"We should get going." I push away from him.

"Okay. I'll meet you in the car after I take my shot."


We arrive at the party a little later than we were planning. It's crowded and I have to park a ways down the street.

Inside I find Tweek and Craig wearing matching masks. Navy blue. Tolkien is in his kitchen wearing a purple mask.

Scott and I go to the kitchen since it's less crowded. "Hey, Tolkien! How's it going?"

"Hey! Good. I was wondering when you two would show up. I saved some of that beer you like, hid it in the basement fridge if you want it."

I pretend to wipe a tear from my eye. "Thank you!"

Scott follows me into the basement. I grab a beer and start closing the fridge before he stops me.

"Oh? Did you want one?"

"Yeah. Might as well."

"I thought you said you didn't drink."

"I don't. I actually have never done it before. But I'm with you so you should be able to take care of me... I wanna give it a try."

"Alright, if you say so."

He grabs the same beer I got, it's the strongest one in there. Is this really okay?

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