Chapter 50

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Scott puts his head down on the table again to hide his face. He's so embarrassed... it's cute but I should probably do something to help him.

"Hey, Craig? Where's Tweek?"

"Oh. He's trying to figure out what popsicle he wants."

"Go help him."

"What? Why? He can figure it out himself."

"I just heard him yell. He might've broken a leg."

"Why are you telling such an obvious lie to get me to leave?"

"Take the hint and go. Just for a minute. Please?"


Once he's out of sight I take off my letterman jacket and walk around the table to Scott.

"Hey, sit up."

"Why... I'm so embarrassed..."

"Trust me."

He sits up and looks at me. His face is as red as a tomato.

I put my jacket over his waist and pull out his chair.


"Hold onto me."

I lift him up bridal style and carry him to the book room. I set him in his little corner.

"There. No one can see you now."

"No one except you..."

"Are you gonna be okay if I leave? I should get back to Craig before he thinks I ditched him."

"I'll be fine."


I start to walk out.

"Wait! Clyde!"


He pulls me down into a kiss. "Thank you for saving me."

His smile could light up this whole school.

"Of course. I'll see you later. I love you."

"I love you too!"

I return to the table and sit down. I feel bad for leaving him there alone but it's probably for the best. I think he's feeling better now.

Craig walks over with Tweek. "Where's your boyfriend?"

"He had to get to work. You guys get Your popsicles?"

"Yep. I got orange and he got grape."

"Ew. No one likes grape."

"Tweek does."

Tweek and Craig eat their popsicles.

Craig finishes his and watches as Tweek does the same. Tweek ended up with purple all around his mouth. He's always been a messy eater.

Craig takes out wipes from his backpack and cleans Tweeks face the same way a mom cleans a kids face.

Craig sits back and sighs. "Monday mornings are exhausting..."

Tweek smiles and offers his coffee to Craig. Craig responds by rolling his eyes and pushing it away. I wonder why he never accepts Tweeks coffee.

"Hey, Clyde?"


"Did you check the group chat last night?"

"No. What's up?"

"Tolkien is throwing another party on Friday."

"Jesus. How many is he gonna throw?"

"I don't know. But he says you should bring Scott as your date. It's a masquerade thing and everyone is supposed to bring a plus one."

"Why so fancy?"

"I don't know dude. It's on Black Friday too. As if that day wasn't hectic enough."

"Oh shit. Thanksgiving is this week, isn't it?"

"It is. We don't have school on Wednesday Thursday or Friday."

"Why don't we just get the whole week off?"

"Because the school hates us? Anyway. As always, you and your dad are welcome to come join my family."

"Thanks... I'll talk to him about it."

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