Chapter 66

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-Smut warning-

Craig explains the project to me, but none of it makes sense.

"Craig, can you just read your notes off to me?"

"Ugh... Fine."

I hear Craig look through his stuff to find his notebook. While I wait I look over at Scott. He is just sitting on the bed, kicking his feet. He looks bored. 

I cover the mic on my headset. "Hey, Scott. You don't have to stick around if you don't want to."

He shakes his head. "I want to hang out here for a while. Is that okay?"

"Yeah. But I can't do much since I'm working on this."

"That's okay. I'll find something to do."

Craig returns with his notes. "Okay. Uhm... The first thing he explained was how the show 'shark tank' works. We have to create a business pitch like the ones on the show and present them to the class... He said there would be a winner. I want to win." 

I see Scott walking around from the corner of my eye. I don't think much of it at first until he gets on the floor next to my desk.

Craig continues. "What should our product be?"

I stare at Scott and give him a confused look. He shrugs at me.

"Clyde? Are you still there?"

"Oh, sorry. Yeah. We should do an app."

"What kind of app?"


Scott moves under my desk.

"Maybe some kind of job app? Like, one for teens. Theres job apps for adults but it's harder to find a job as a teen."

"Yeah... good idea..." I watch Scott look at me from under the desk. Why the fuck is he acting like a dog right now?

"Okay. What should we call it? Let's brainstorm ideas. I'll write."


Scott unbuttons my pants and pulls them down slightly.

I cover my mic again. "What are you doing?"

Scott moves my hand off my mic and whispers. "Focus on your project."

Craig catches my attention again. "What about... Minimum... not wage... what wordplay could we use?"

Scott pulls out my dick and strokes it. There's no way he is doing this right now.

He uses his other hand to text me. I read the message as Craig lists off bad job-based puns.

Scott: You better make sure Craig doesn't hear you. Just keep working.

Clyde: Why are you doing this?

Scott: I can't touch you like I normally would, and I'm bored right now.

He squeezes me, making me jolt. 

"Do any of those sound good to you, Clyde?"

"Uh, yeah... the last one..."

"Minimum rage? Okay. I'll put it down."

I feel Scott's lips wrap around the head of my dick.


"Everything okay? What was that?"

I do my best to compose myself. "Nothing. I just took a deep breath..."

"Okay. Check out the document I sent."

Scott's tongue teases my tip as he strokes my shaft. It feels good. This is really bad. I can't contain my voice.

I cover my mouth and lean forward against my desk, trying not to make any noise. My body is shaking. 

I look down at Scott. He looks so sexy from this angle...

"Uhm, Craig? I need to go get something really quick. I'll be right back."

I leave the call before he can answer.

I slide my chair back and grab onto Scott's head. 

"You really want it that bad? Then take it better."

I pull his head down until my dick hits the back of his throat.

"Mmmhh! Fuuck... Did you want my attention that bad? You did this to me, so now you have to- nnghh... finish it..."

I slam his head down again and finish in the back of his throat. 

He pulls off me, his eyes are watering and his face is red. A little bit of my cum is dripping from his lips.

"I knew you would be good with your tongue, Scott."

He looks up at me with hopeful eyes. "Did it feel good?"

I smile and fix the hair I just messed up. "Yes. It did. But that was dangerous, if Craig heard, we would've both had to deal with his ridicule for months."

"I just wanted to make you feel better... and when you did this to me it felt really good..."

"You're adorable, but don't worry too much about making me feel better. Even just being here helps."

"Okay... I love you, Clyde..."

"Haha, I love you too. Now get off my floor." 

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