Chapter 55

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-Smut warning-

Scott takes off his shirt as he walks over to me. He's mad, but doing something so sexual... is this how he's going to deal with his pent up anger?

Should I let him?

"Scott... I don't know if..."

"Don't talk, Clyde. I don't want to hear it anymore."

"You can't stop me from talking."

"I can. I'll just make sure that the only thing leaving your lips is gasps and moans."

Fuck. I'm trying to stay mad at him but now I'm hard.

"Scott- mmph!!! Mmmmm!!" I try to speak but he kisses me with aggression.

"Shut. Up. No more."

He yanks my pants off and starts to massage my entrance. He's moving too fast. It's too much.

"Sc- ah!"

As soon as I speak he plunges three fingers into me at the same time without warning. My entire body shutters.

"You can't always expect people to do what you want. The world doesn't follow your code."

"Ah- Haa! Mmmphh!!!"

"Especially if you're toying with something you don't understand."

"AHH!" He trusts his fingers up into my prostrate. He knew exactly where it was and hit it hard.

"I'm disappointed."


He takes his fingers out and reaches into his pocket. An XL condom was hiding inside. He unwraps it.

"I had to find a size up because yours were too small. It was tight. But you're tighter. You squeeze me so hard it feels like it might fall off."

He pokes the entrance of my hole. Is he just gonna put it in? This soon?

"Scott Liste- AHHH! FUCK~"

He pushed the tip into me. It's so wide.

"I'm mad at you, Clyde. But if you tell me to stop I will."

He waits for a moment. Waiting for my response. Should I tell him to stop? We were going to do this anyway but he's being so aggressive...

I should let him get his anger out. I'm starting to feel bad for what I said. I guess this is working.

He sighs. "You're so... stubborn."

"I..." I start to speak but then I freeze, remembering what he told me, and how easily he could slam into me right now.

"You're learning."

He slides in slowly, I can feel myself opening up. My hip joints crack from the pressure.

"Hahh.... Ow... too... big..."

My eyes roll back. My ears are ringing.

"I'm gonna... mmmphh... live my life... how I want to..."

His voice is strained. He didn't prepare me much so it's tight.

He pulls out slowly. At least he isn't-

Before I can finish that thought, he slams into me, I open my mouth to scream but nothing comes out.

"A- it- ah- mmm..."

I bite my lip to counter the pain I'm feeling.

"So tight... your insides are stubborn too, aren't they?"

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