Chapter 12

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Upstairs, Tolkien is watching TV with his girlfriend, Nicole.

He sees us come out of the basement.

"You guys really slept in."

I check my watch. It's noon. "Damn. No pancakes I guess."

Tolkien points to the kitchen. "He did make some. I know they're your favorite so I saved a few for you guys."

"Thanks, man."

"No problem."

I hurry to the kitchen where a stack of four pancakes is waiting in their food heater.

I take them out and put two on a plate for Scott.

He looks in the fridge and pulls out a bottle of water and some whipped cream.

"Whipped cream??"

"Yeth! I love whipped cream."

"Huh. I wouldn't have guessed."

"Want some?"

"I'm good."

He piles the whipped cream onto his pancakes and starts eating them. I cover mine in maple syrup.

These pancakes are the best. Probably my favorite food. It looks like Scott is enjoying them too.

I finish mine before Scott. He likes to take his time when he eats.

There's a bit of cream on his cheek. It's bothering me.

"Scott, you have whipped cream on your face."

"Oh really? Where?"

I point to my cheek and he mirrors my movement.

"No, the other one."

He just misses it.

"Oh my god. Let me get it."

He closes his eyes and leans forward.

My heart is racing. He's so vulnerable right now. I'm not having pure thoughts. This is all thanks to that stupid dream I had...

I use my thumb to slowly wipe the cream toward his lips. He feels this and opens his mouth to lick it up. His tongue cradles my thumb.

He opens his eyes and looks at me as I pull my thumb away, his lips still slightly parted. I can't stop staring at them.

I want to kiss him.

My face flushes red and I lean back in my chair.

"Haha... uh, if you're done, I'll take your plate."

He scoots his empty plate over to me. He's just staring at me. It's making me nervous.

I take the plates over to the sink. I feel dizzy. I put my hands on the counter to hold myself up. My mind is doing cartwheels.

Scott comes up behind me and tugs on the back of my shirt. I turn around to see him looking down.

He lifts his head up and we make eye contact. His face is red. I can see all of his freckles.

He slowly opens his mouth to speak. From this close I can see him readjusting his tongue before he talks.


His phone rings, startling both of us.

He answers it, still looking flustered.

"Hello? Oh... okay. Yeah. I'll be out. Okay. Bye."

He looks back at me. "Uh... my ride is here..."

"I'll walk you out."

That was close. If his phone hadn't rung, I might've done something stupid. I wanted to kiss him so badly that I might've actually done it.

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