Chapter 43

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Scott returns with a towel to clean up the mess I made on my chest. I would do it myself but I feel like I'm about to fall apart.

He cleans my chest and then stares at my lower half. "I don't... know what to do..."

"What do you mean?"

"Uh, you're bleeding... but like, from inside? Not much..."

"Oh shit, that must be why it hurt so bad."

"Sorry... I guess I got carried away..."

"It's okay. We can just clean up the blood and hope it resolves itself."

"Are you sure we shouldn't get like... cream or something..?"

"I will not be putting cream up my ass. Just come lay with me."


He puts the towel in my laundry bin before snuggling into bed with me. It's pretty late now.

"Are you okay, Scott? You're being quiet."


Is he crying?

"Hey... Scott... what's wrong..?" I sit up to look at him better.

"I hurt you...."

"Oh... no, it's okay. It's not your fault."

"How is it not my fault? That whole thing was painful for you because I didn't know how to do it right..."

"No, it wasn't all painful. Only at the beginning. It was bound to hurt the first time we did it. With a dick like yours, it can be hard to get used to."

"Is it bad that it's so big..?"

"No, not at all. I'm actually jealous of that thing. Scott, once it stopped hurting, it started feeling really good. I haven't felt that good in a really long time. So don't be sad, I liked it."


"I promise."

"Okay... I felt good too... it's like I was flying." He smiles cutely at me.

"I love you, Scott."

"I love you too."  He curls up in my arms.

This guy... he just fucked my brains out and now he's curled up like a baby in my arms.

"Goodnight, Scott...."


After that first date night, Scott and I became a lot closer. He started clinging to me more. I love that he does that.

On Wednesday I decide to ask Tweek and Craig if they would be interested in a double date. I've always wanted to do one of those.

Tweek smiles, "A double date? That could be fun!"

Craig shakes his head. "No. Not a chance. Did you forget about my strict 'no Clyde' policy on dates?"

I'll have to try harder. "Pleeeasee? Scott doesn't have very many friends and I would love for you guys to hang out with him. He's really cool once you get to know him."


I look at Tweek with my patent pended puppy dog eyes.

He sighs and places a hand on Craig's shoulder. "Please? It could be fun. We never hang out with other couples. Think of it as a party!"

"... if you really want to... then I guess it's fine."

I jump up. "Yes! Thank you!"

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