Chapter 45

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Craig rolls again, and gets another card. He has more than half of the cards now.

"How much for Tweek?"

I Tilt my head, "What?"

"How much do I need to pay to buy Tweek. I have a ton of money."

"You can't buy another player."

"Yes I can. If I'm already buying all his cards, isn't it like I'm just buying him?"

"Oh my god. I can't fight it anymore. There's zero chance any of us other than Craig win this. I forfeit."

I throw my money down on the table. Scott and Tweek do the same, making Craig the winner.

We pack up the game and just chill for a bit.

Tweek sits cross legged on the couch. "So, Scott. How did you two get together? I'd love to hear it from you."

"Oh, okay."

He looks at me, asking if it's okay for him to tell the story. I nod and he continues.

"After that big game a couple weeks back, I saw his car in the parking lot. I was worried because everyone else had already left. I found him on the bleachers and we talked for a bit before he told me he liked me."

"What made you like him? Like, what was the first thing he did to make you catch feelings?"

"Oh, it's kinda funny... he was cold to me in the beginning."

"Really? Craig was too! They always act like you don't matter but then they come crawling back."

"Haha, yeah, I guess. Was it similar with you two?"

Craig scoots over to me as they talk. "I guess our bottoms became friends. That's good! It's what you wanted."

"Haha... right..."


"Nope. Not waiting."

"Oh my god."

"Stop talking."

"YOU are the bottom?!"


"Wow. I really wouldn't have guessed. Did you... take in his monster-"


"You did! Wow. I'm actually glad I came. This is priceless info."

"It's not that interesting..."

"Oh, it is to me. I'll be using that info."

I look back over to Tweek and Scott. They're whispering to each other and giggling.

"What's so funny?"

Tweek smiles at Craig. "Well, since you two love to trade information about your partners in bed, we thought it would only be fair if we traded some secrets as well. Now no one's size is a secret."

Craig frowns. "You told him my size?"

Tweek rolls his eyes. "You told Clyde mine!"

I need to change the subject. This could get messy.

"Hey! Uh, twister, anyone?"

Tweek perks up. "I totally forgot about that game! It's been so long. We should do it."

"Cool, I'll go get it."

I'm glad I changed the subject but... this game is pretty physical. I hope it doesn't get awkward.

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