Chapter 21

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"You may begin."

Scott starts us off with his intro. He does it flawlessly. I'm actually really impressed with how far he's come. He really put in the work.

After the rebuttal, it's my turn to do the counter-argument. Scott slides me the paper.

I take a deep breath. I got this. I speak all the time, this is no different.

"Some may argue that the prices of Medicare are achievable. We would like to revisit the topic of insulin. Thome people thay that-"

I quickly cover my mouth.

Did I seriously just... lisp..? Oh god.

I'm so embarrassed.

Scott grabs and squeezes my hand under the table. I turn to look at him, he's still staring ahead.

His hand holding mine... he's telling me that it's okay. He's encouraging me to keep going.

I clear my throat and try again. This time, I get it right.

If Scott wasn't there, I really would've frozen up.

Once I finish my part I turn to Scott. He smiles at me. Finally. I missed his smile. It's refreshing.

I mouth the words "thank you" to him and he nods.

He lets go of my hand. I almost wish he hadn't. 

The teacher excuses us back to our seats. 

"Very good everyone! Based on the evidence presented, the winner of the debate is... Scott and Clyde! Congrats you two."

Oh, thank god. If this had all been for nothing I would've lost it.

"Scott! We did it!" I smile at him. 


"You don't seem very happy about it."

"I guess I'm just a little sad it's over... we probably won't talk as mu-" He shakes his head.  "You know what? Never mind... Good job, Clyde."

"Your speech is amazing now. How did you progress so fast?"

"Hard work I guess. Speaking of which, do we need to get you speech therapy now?"

"Oh, shut up. That was an accident. I have never had that problem before."

"Okay, okay. It was cute though."

"Was it?"


"Well, at least there's that. If nothing else, I got you to think I was cute."

"Hah... I've always thought you were..."


"Nevermind, I'm gonna head out early. C'ya around, Clyde."

"Okay, later."


Jenny is being extra clingy at lunch today. She brought me to her table immediately and has been hugging my arm the whole time.

"Jen? Are you okay?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?"

"You just seem more touchy today."

"Oh, well, why wouldn't I show my game-winning boyfriend some love?!"

Ah. She's doing this because the next game was announced this morning. I can't believe I was worried. 

"Babe, I'm super excited for the game... You better lock in another win for us!"

"Haha, I'll try."

"I know you can do it, babe. If you win... Then I would have to give you a little treat~"

"Haha, what kind of treat?"

She slides my hand to her thigh. "I'm sure you can guess."


"Jen, your friends are right there..."

"It's okay. Let them get jealous."

This is exhausting.

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