Chapter 46

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Craig helps me move the table to the corner of the room so that the twister mat will fit.

"We should probably just do two people at a time. Couples?"

Everyone agrees. Tweek and Craig are up first.

Scott sits next to me as we work the spinner.

We watch as they both follow each direction we call out. They are both staying on their side of the mat, we need to make this more interesting.

"Okay, no more spinner. I'm calling out directions now." 

Craig responds, slightly out of breath from holding his position. "How is that fair?"

"You can do the same when Scott and I go. For now, right-hand yellow." 


Due to Tweek's superior flexibility, he wins.

Craig lies on the mat after he falls. "How the fuck do you bend like that?"

Tweek stands up without falling onto the mat. "Dunno. I guess I'm just better at holding awkward positions. I wonder where I got that skill from."

"Shut up."

Tweek giggles and helps Craig off the mat.

Now it's my turn. Scott doesn't know this, but I am pretty flexible. 

Craig smiles evilly at me. "Payback time." 

That can't be a good sign.

After a series of directions, I find myself in a crab-walking position. I can't hold this for very long.

Craig makes Scott move his arm to a dot on the other side of me, positioning him directly above me.

Scott looks down at me. "You struggling?"

"Ugh... Obviously..."

Craig gives his next direction. Scott easily moves his leg over me. He seems to be doing just fine.

I can't quite figure out how to get my leg to where it needs to be. My arms start shaking.

Scott smiles at me and whispers. "Come on. You can do it. Or are you gonna bottom during twister as well?" 

I feel my face get hot and I fall down.

Scott laughs and sits up. 

"Ugh... Dirty moves, Scott."

He smiles at me. He knows I can't stay mad at him if he looks that cute. "My bad."

Craig and I sit on the sidelines as the final round begins. This will decide the true winner. Tweek vs Scott. 

Craig and I take turns giving directions. Even though Scott beat me with his cheap tactics, I want him to win. I do my best to try and make Tweek fall, but he is so flexible. Maybe I'll have to try and psych him out.

"Hey, Tweek? There's a spider on your leg."

"Ack! Is there?!"

Craig stops me. "No, Tweek. He's trying to psych you out. Stay focused."

I'll try harder. "Yeah. If you don't win, Craig might ignore you."

"What?! He will?!"

Craig sighs. "You don't wanna play this game with me, Clyde."

"Oh, I think I do. Scott is winning this."

"You asked for it. I warned you."

Craig crouches down where Scott is and whispers something in his ear. It must be a lot of words, it's taking a while.

Scott's eyes widen and his face turns bright red. He falls to the floor. 

Tweek stands up and cheers. "I did it! Did you see that? I never win anything! Yay!!"

I look down at Scott. He is still on his back on the floor. He has his hands over his face. His ears are red. 

What did Craig say to him?

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