Chapter 5

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It looks like Scott got here before me. He already set up our desks.

I take a seat across from him as I get out the papers for our projects.

"Hello... Clyde."

What? Was that Scott? Such a smooth voice...

"Did you say something?"

"Uh... I did."

No way... so fast?

"You got over your speech impediment? That fast? We only met once."

"No... I have to... talk slow... to do it."

"Oh, so we still have a ways to go."


"Well, progress is progress."

I smile at him, but he won't look at me, he keeps avoiding eye contact. Did I upset him? Whatever. That doesn't matter.

We work the whole period. Thankfully, Scott has been keeping up with the work. I don't think I could handle much more than I already have.

We pack up before the bell rings. "Scott, we probably don't need to come back for the free period. I'll see you after school though. Yeah?"


"Cool, see ya."


Tolkien and I eat lunch together. He's my rich friend. We love him but we also tease him about his economical status since the rest of us are middle class.

He drinks his expensive juice. "So, Clyde? You're coming to the party on Friday, right?"

"What? A party?"

"Did you forget? After the big game everyone's coming to my place to celebrate."

"Oh yeah. Sorry, I've been out of it. I'll go if we win."

"You should get more rest. You'll never make it on the field if you're like this."

"I know... I just have a lot to do."

"Try to lessen your load."

"I will... somehow..."


I meet Scott in the library after school. When I sit down he moves his gram crackers to the other side of him, out of my reach.

I guess he wasn't a fan of that technique.

"Uh, sorry for doing that last time. I shouldn't have invaded your space like that. I was just in a hurry."

"Iths okay. Thince you're in thuch a hurry, maybe we thould cut our lethonth down a bit. Maybe just meet today, then meet on Monday tho you can focuth on the game."

"Okay... just make sure to practice."

"I will."

"Then let's get started."

We try a few exercises. When he talks slow he can speak just fine, but his tongue won't move fast enough to keep a good flow of conversation, which is important for a debate.

He puts his head down on the table. "It'th no uth. I'm hopleth..."

"No, you aren't. The progress you've made so far is honestly impressive. It's only been a couple days and you're getting the hang of it."

"But I can't thpeak fathst." He sighs and turns his head, still resting it on the table. "See? I can't... get it right..."

His voice is honestly pretty nice when he doesn't have his lisp. It's smooth. Deep, but not too much vibration.

If he could get that lisp under control, and maybe straighten out his wavy hair, he would probably be popular with the chicks. Like I am.

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