Chapter 31

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"We have cereal... uh... and... fruit?"

Scott snickers. "Tons of options."

"Yeah. Dad and I don't really do breakfast. We just eat whatever's convenient."

"You said you had fruit? I'll eat that."

"Okay. We have a little bit of whipped cream too if you don't want to eat it alone."

"Oooo I do love whipped cream."

"Yeah you seemed pretty into it last time. Just... be more careful this time..."

"Careful? Why?"

"Uh, last time when you got some on your face... do you remember the tension?"

"Oh, right. I do remember."

"That's probably when I started liking you."

"Really? I started liking you the night before."

"Why is that?"

"When Dave took my insulin bag, I was so scared of what might happen to me. I've never missed an insulin shot. But you saved me... then after that I just saw everything you did in a better light."

"Scott you're so cute..."

"Haha, thanks. I don't try to be."

"Well, you are. Here." I hand him a bowl of fruit I had prepared.

"Thanks. What are you having?"

"Good ol' captain crunch."

"Of course that's the cereal you like. It's so fitting."


"I don't know. It just is."

He goes to the table in my kitchen and sits down with his bowl and it's topping.

Once I cook up the very rigorous bowl of cereal, I join him.

We both eat without saying anything. I put on music with my phone so that we weren't just listening to our own chewing.

We clean up our dishes and go back up to my room. Scott and I sit awkwardly on the bed.

He kicks his feet which are hanging of the bed. "So... what now? What do you usually do on weekends?"

"Hmm... sometimes there would be practice... or I would plan a hangout with my friends. If I'm home all day I'll usually just chill. Watch something? I don't really know."

"Then let's watch something! I don't want to go home just yet."

"What did you want to watch? We can go downstairs and look through Netflix."

"Will your dad be down there?"


"Then let's just chill up here."

"Why? Do you not like him?"

"No, that's not it... I just wanted to... kiss a bit more..."

"So the movie was for background noise?"

He nods. He looks embarrassed.

"Scott, you don't have to ask to kiss me or make up some elaborate plan. You can just do it. Since I'm your boyfriend, these beautiful lips are all yours."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Of course, you'll have to retu- mm-"

His kisses me, pushing me down onto the bed. Was he always this strong? Or assertive?

His lips feel so good. I wrap my arms around his waist and up his back.

"Mmhh..." he gasps

Oh. This is fun.

We're just making out... there's no way it could escalate any further, right?

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