Chapter 13

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Scott gets in his parent's car and they drive away. I close the door and grab Tolkien by his arm, pulling him up.

I smile at his girlfriend. "I'm borrowing him for a sec."

"Ow! Hey!" I pull him into the kitchen.

"Tolkien. We need to talk."

"What? What could be so important that you had to-"

"I have a crush on Scott Malkinson."

His jaw drops. "What?"

"I. Have a crush. On Scott Malkinson."

"No way..."

"Yes way."

"How?! This goes against EVERYTHING I know about you!"

"I know! That's why it's an emergency! I can't like him. I need you to set me up with a girl. If I get a girlfriend I'll get over this weird phase."

"Clyde, I don't think it works like-"

"I need to try."

"You can't just-"



"Thank you. And don't tell anyone about this. Especially not Tweek and Craig."

"I promise I won't tell anyone."

"Thank you. I'm gonna go now. I feel like walking home. I need to clear my head."

"Okay. I'll see you at school on Monday. And I'll text you if I get you a date."

"Thanks. Goodbye."


When I get home I lie on my bed. I can't believe I fell for Scott Malkinson of all people. I can't believe I'm not straight.

I wonder what he's up to right now. Is he thinking about me too? The way he was looking at me... did he want me to kiss him? This is all so confusing. I really want to stop thinking about it but I can't get the image of him out of my head. I wonder what he was about to say before his phone rang.

Whatever, this doesn't matter. I'll get a girlfriend and all of this will be behind me.

But maybe I should just text him. I still have his number...

Clyde: Hey, Scott. Are you feeling better?

... No response. He must be busy...


I ended up waiting for hours. I kept checking my phone to see if he had responded.


I run to my phone and pick it up. He finally responded!

Oh. It wasn't him.

Tolkien: Hey, Jenny Simons said she would love to go out with you. Do you know her?

Clyde: Yeah. Cheerleader, right?

Tolkien: Yes. Should I set up a date?

Clyde: Go ahead.

Tolkien: Are you free tomorrow around 3 pm?

Clyde: Should be.

Tolkien: Cool. Be at the movie theatre. I'll give her your number.

Clyde: Thanks.

Tolkien: No problem. I still don't think you should be doing this. You can just get over your crush naturally or... have you considered just... I don't know, dating him?

Clyde: I can't date another dude.

Tolkien: Why not? Tweek and Craig do it and they seem really happy.

Clyde: It's just not who I am. Let me do my own thing.

Tolkien: If you say so.

I'm a little disappointed the text wasn't from Scott, but I guess it's time to stop worrying about him. In 24 hours I'll have a girlfriend so I should stay focused.

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