Chapter 64

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Scott closes the door to my room once everyone else leaves. He looks really mad, I think I'm in trouble.

"So... Scott... How have you been?"

"Shut the fuck up, Clyde." 


He sits next to me and sighs. "I have never been more worried about another person in my entire life. I cried, Clyde. I cried because I was so scared that you were in trouble."

"Scott... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you worry..."

"I know. But I did. And I probably always will. I fucking love you, so if something is going on, tell me! Please..."

"I... Okay... I will. I promise." 

I'm weak for him. I can't fight him.

"Thank you... Can I hug you?"


He wraps his arms around me and sighs. "I'm so glad you're okay..."

"Thank you..."

This is weird. I'm not used to having someone care this much about me. 

"You need to apologize to your friends too. They only want to help you."


"And after you do that, we are all taking you to the hospital."

"What? The hospital? Why?"

"Because it's obvious you're still in pain and the bruising has not gotten any better, it might even be swelling. You need to be treated."

"But that sounds a bit dramatic... Can't I just wait it out?"

"No. Craig is explaining everything to your dad right now, so he will probably cover the bill. These things will only get worse if you don't treat them."


"Thank you. Let's get going."

Scott takes me downstairs where I apologize reluctantly to my friends. Then we go to the hospital.


I hate hospitals. The lighting and the medicine smell make me feel nauseous.

The doctors take me back to get examined, I go alone since it's all over my body and I don't want anyone seeing that. 

I get changed into a hospital gown and walk down the hall to the x-ray room so they can do a full body x-ray and make sure nothing is broken.

On the way in I see a familiar face. It's Dave. 

He is sitting in a room with the door open, the doctor is talking to him. What happened to him? His arm is in a cast and half of his face is swollen.

I listen in to hear what Dave says to the doctor.

"What about the other two? Are they okay?"

"If you mean your two friends, yes. One broke a finger and the other lost a tooth, but they are both fine. You got the worst of it. You should really tell the social worker what happened."


"Okay... Well, whoever beat you three up could be brought to justice if you just told them-"

"I said no. I'm not saying anything more than I already did."

Before I can hear any more, the nurse calls me in to get my X-ray done.

Someone beat Dave... and his friends, I assume the two that hurt me... 

Whoever did it went overboard... broken bones? Lost teeth? That's a bit much. 

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