Chapter 18

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The bell rings. Thank god. I was feeling really awkward around all of Jenny's friends especially when Bebe was one of them.

At the end of the day, I text Scott.

Clyde: Hey. My car is a red Jeep. Meet me there?

Scott: On my way!

I try to look cool by leaning against my car. Scott walks over to me with a smile. Is it just me, or does he look excited?

"Hi, Clyde!"

"Hey. Ready to go?"


I get in the driver's seat and buckle up.

"Will you guide me to your house?"

"Yes. Take a right out of the parking lot."

He guides me to his house. He actually only lives a block away from me. I have never been to his house before.

We go inside, there aren't any cars outside and I think his house is empty. His parents must be at work or something.

"We can work in my room. It's up here."

His room smells much better than mine and is a lot cleaner. He's pretty organized. Complete opposite of me.

I sit at his desk and spin around in his spinny office chair. I end up getting dizzy and I have to catch myself on the desk.

"Pff- You're so eccentric."

He's smiling again.

"Yeah, I guess I am. What should we do first? Speech therapy or the project?"

"Project. We have a lot to go over. The debate is only a week away."

So it's already been a week. So much has changed. One week ago I was complaining about how much I didn't want to do this project with Scott. Now I'm at his house, hoping it never ends.

He leans over me to type in his computer password. He's really close. His neck is right next to my face. My intrusive thoughts are telling me to kiss or maybe even bite his neck.

"Damn... I typed it wrong... hold on." He says in a low-quiet voice. I guess since I'm right next to him he doesn't need to be too loud.

His ear is pretty close to my mouth...

I whisper back in a lowered voice as well, right into his ear. "Take your time..."

I see goosebumps appear all along his neck. His face gets red, and I can tell he's trying to stay calm.

He finishes typing in his password and backs up.

"I-it's open! Haha... uhm... let me get the... papers..."

So cute. If we were dating I would definitely tease him like this all the time.

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