Chapter 48

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-smut warning-

His tongue presses into my mouth. I have to admit I kinda like it when he takes control.

It hurt a lot last time, but maybe sleeping with him a second time will be better. It did feel good... I want to do it again.

I need to find his sensitive spots, as of right now, he has an advantage over me.

I slide my hands around his body, trying to find something that will give him a reaction.

His neck? Nope. His shoulders? No. His chest? Not even a flinch. Even his legs don't have any sensitivity. Did all of his nerves go to his dick? I mean it is pretty big...

I reach down and touch his crotch. He's a bit hard, but not enough to get started.

He gently removes my hand. "Sorry... if we get started like this then I'll have to stay the night, and I can't do that. I have work tomorrow."

"Hmm... at least let me take care of this for you."


I smile at him. "Watch."

I undo his pants and pull them down just enough to where his dick can poke out. Looking at it up close... I don't know if I can suck this thing. It might be bigger than my mouth... whatever. I have to try.

I circle my tongue around the head of his penis. It's smoother than I thought. It also doesn't taste bad, I guess he keeps it clean.

I press my tongue into the center of his tip and wiggle it around a bit.

"Ah- woah... where did you lean this?"

I'm not going to tell him that I'm just copying what Bebe used to do for me.

He looks sexy from this angle. I thought anyone would look bad from down here but he looks even more attractive.

I open my mouth as wide as I can and cover my teeth with my lips and tongue. It's a tight squeeze, but it fits. If I'm not careful I could tear the corners of my mouth.

I start bobbing my head. Of course I can only fit a bit of the length in, but he seems to be enjoying it.

"Hah- oh fuck... nnghh..." he bites his lip and grips his hand into my hair.

I want to hear more of his moans. I want him to whimper.

I start pushing just a bit further.

"Ah!" He gasps.

He is under my control.

"Wait- I'm-"

He's mine.

"Clyde! I'm about to-"

I pull my head back quickly and put my thumb over his hole to stop him from finishing.

He flinches. "Clyde?! Why- fuck... oh god... let go-"

He's squirming. It's cute. "Beg."

"Clyde... please... please let me cum... please- ah... please!"

I quickly stroke him and release my hands. He practically explodes on me.

"Ah! Yeah- yes- fuck..." he falls to his back on my bed.

That sexy motherfucker.

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