Chapter 65

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"Nothing is broken, you're lucky. We can prescribe you some painkillers and give you body ice packs. Keep things elevated when you can and use the ointment I gave you every morning. Try to stay home for a couple of days to heal. Other than that... You're all done! You can go home whenever you're ready." The doctor gives me a couple of prescriptions and leaves. 

I return to the waiting room. Scott and Craig are the only ones that could stay this late with me.

Scott stands up when I walk out. "So? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. I need to go pick up some prescriptions. But everything should be fine."

"Good! Can you go to school tomorrow?"

"Oh, no. She said I should take some time off."

"Damn, okay. Well, whatever you need to get better. Are you ready to go?"


Craig drives Scott and me home. Scott comes inside to help me get settled in.

Once we set up all my ice packs and elevation stuff, Scott sits on my bed next to me.

"Does everything feel alright?"

"Yeah. Thank you, Scott."

I lean back and groan from the aching. 

Scott smiles. "You make cute sounds even when you're in pain."

"Oh my god, don't say that."

"It's true though."

"Whatever. You only think that because you have heard me make that noise in other context."

"Yeah. Impossible to forget..."

"I also found my time with you to be unforgettable..."

Scott leans over me, "Oh yeah?"


"I can give you more pleasant memories if you want... Drown out the bad memories with pleasure..."

He touches my chest, making me flinch.

"Oh... I forgot I can't touch you for a while..."

"Yeah... You'll have to hold off with your royal python for a week or two."

He laughs, which instantly makes me feel better. "You always call it such weird names."

"It's a monster."

"Whatever you say."

He gently kisses my forehead and stands up. "It's late. I'll get going. Can I come by after school to check on you?"

"That would be nice... Thank you. My dad will probably be out, so just use the spare key. It's under the plant by the doorbell."

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow then. Goodnight, Clyde."



Craig: Hey, Clyde. Mr. Anderson gave us a group project today. I'll VC you after school so we can talk about it.

Clyde: I still have to do it? Even though I'm sick?

Craig: Yeah. It's a month-long project. You should just be grateful that he let me be your partner.

Clyde: Okay. I'll join the VC at 3:30.

Craig: K.


After school, Scott comes over to my house just like he said he would. 

"How are you feeling?" He puts down his backpack in my room.

"Fine. The painkillers are making me a little bit loopy, but at least I'm not in pain."

*ring, ring*

My desktop computer lights up with a voice call from Craig. Scott helps me over to my chair and I answer.

"Clyde, you took your sweet time to answer."

"Oh yeah. It's my bad that I can't fucking walk."

"Haha. Old man can't make it to his computer?"

"Shut up. Just tell me about the project."

"Okay. It's pretty easy, tedious though." 

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