Chapter 16

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I'm so confused. "What are you guys talking about?"

"When Tweek came back in, he saw you and Scott. Feeding him your smoothie? Sounds pretty gay."

"It's not. He just wanted to try some."

"Tweek says you offered it first."

"It didn't mean anything."

"Go ask him out."


"Why not?"

"I'm not gay, and I'm already spoken for."

"You're dating again? Who's the lucky guy?"

"Very funny."

My phone buzzes.

Jenny: on my way to the library. You're still there, right?

Clyde: Yep.

"I guess you're about to meet her..."

"She's coming here?"


Jenny approaches us. She steps behind me and smiles. "Hey, babe!"

She leans down and kisses me.

"Hey, Jenny. These are my friends. Tweek and Craig."

"Oh, I've met Craig before. We know eachother pretty well, don't we Craigie."

Tweek looks shocked. He turns to Craig with an annoyed look. "Craigie??"

Jenny looks at her phone. "Class starts soon, so I'm gonna go. Will you meet me at lunch? I wanna introduce you to the girls."

"Sure. See ya."

Jenny leaves and I turn back to Tweek and Craig. I wish I had popcorn for this.

Tweek scoots away from Craig. "I'm gonna need you to tell me why she called you... Craigie."

"Tweek, It's just a nickname."

"Why did she say you guys were close?! You've never mentioned her before!"

"Actually, I have. Remember when I told you about the friend that my cousin Red would bring everywhere? That's her. Red brought her to family reunions and stuff so she knows me well enough."

Tweek folds his arms. "I don't like her."

Craig pulls Tweek back over to him. "Don't worry, I do too. Speaking of her... how did you end up with her? She's kinda the worst."

"She doesn't seem so bad."

"Red stopped hanging out with her because she only cares about her own image. She's probably using you."

"You shouldn't assume. She could've changed. Besides, she's really into me."

"Why are you dating her when you already like Sc-"

"SHH! Don't say that so loud!"

"So it's true?"

"No, but it's still embarrassing."

"This is a bad idea, Clyde. I'm just warning you now. Be on the lookout for red flags."

"Okay. I'll be careful."


Scott is pretty quiet at the beginning of class.

"Is everything okay?"


He reaches into his bag and pulls out his folder.

Two stacks of papers are set in-front of me. One is the research papers I had given him, the others look to be revisions.

"Clyde, I think you're confused about how insulin works... almost none of that wath right."

"Oh... really..? Sorry I'm not very good at school stuff."

"It's fine... but maybe I should help you. I can't do the thudy period today so... why not come over to my house after school and I'll help you?"


I responded faster than I should've. I didn't even think about it.

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