Chapter 30

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The morning sun shines in on us. It's the weekend so we slept in for a few hours. Scott is still asleep.

He looks so peaceful all curled up like this. If anyone ever hurts this guy, I'll kill them.

There's a spider on my ceiling. I fucking hate spiders.

It's crawling towards me... Oh god, now it's above me...

I wiggle out of bed and hurry to the other corner of the room, as far away from that thing as possible.

Scott slowly opens his eyes. "Mmm... What are you doing..?"

"There's a spider right above you... get over here before it gets you!"

"So early..." Scott stands up on the bed, his eyes are still half closed. He must still be tired.

"No! Over here!"

He looks up at the spider and smacks it with his hand. His bare hand. That insane motherfucker.

"What- how did you-"

"It's dead."

I smile at him. "My hero~"

"Can we go back to sleep?"

"It's 9 am. We should get up anyway..."

"Okay..." He looks at his hand. "Do you have a tissue or something?"

"Oh, yeah. In my nightstand. Top drawer."

He gets off the bed and crouches down to open my drawer. That's when I remember what I had put in there besides tissues.


Too late. He opened the drawer and is looking down at its contents.

He doesn't say anything, he just takes out a tissue and slowly slides it shut. His face is bright red.

He wipes his hand and sits on the bed. Then he raises his head to look at me, his face is still red but... he's smiling.

"Scott... I can explain..."

"I think I can guess why you had those so close... Was it just in case..?"

"Kinda... I mean I didn't expect to do it but you can never be too sure..."

"Useful information at least. Now I know where you keep them."

My face flushes a dark red. Did he just say it was 'Useful information'?

"I also... Keep some in my wallet..."

"Haha, ok, noted. Now stop being embarrassed. I need to eat."

"Okay, let's go see what's in the kitchen."

We go downstairs. My dad is on the couch drinking his usual cup of Tweek Bros© Coffee.

"Hey, Clyde. Whos your friend?"

I look over at Scott. He is waiting to hear what I say.

I hold Scott's hand. "Dad... This is my... Boyfriend."

I wait nervously in silence.

"His name?"

"It's Scott."

"Well." My dad stands up and walks over to us. "It's nice to meet you, Scott. I know Clyde can be a handful but try to bear with him."

Scott smiles brightly. "Of course! I'll stick with him no matter what."

My heart is being squeezed. I really like this guy... Like... A lot...

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