Chapter 68

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"Scott... Do you not think maybe you went a little bit overboard? Broken bones? Lost teeth? Dave's face was super swollen..."

"What do you mean? I didn't go that far. I just hit his face one or two times, and I hit his friends in the knees. I didn't break any bones though."

"But he was in a cast... If you didn't do that, who did?"

"I don't know... Maybe they did it to each other... But I promise it wasn't me. I only did enough to make them leave you alone."

"Why did you do that? I can handle them myself..."

"I was mad. Think about it, if someone did that to me, would you just sit back and do nothing?"


"Didn't think so." 

I sigh and lay on my back. It hurts to sit up for so long. "Scott... Next time, tell me when you do something like this. I don't want to have to doubt you for any reason."

"Okay. I'll tell you... I'm sorry."

"Thank you... Will you lie with me for a while before you leave? I always feel so relaxed around you..."

"Of course, my love."


I open my eyes to see the sun shining through my curtains. I must've fallen asleep next to Scott. He tucked me in and plugged in my phone before he left.

I spend most of the day catching up on schoolwork. I want to text Scott but he's busy with school.

It's almost funny how he is constantly on my mind like this. I must really love him.

My phone rings. I rush to it, hoping it's Scott.

It's my old coach... what does he want..?

"Hello? Coach?"

"Hey. This is Clyde, right?"


"I need to speak with you about your position on the team."

"My position? Okay... I'm listening." 

"Please meet me in the gym office after school."

"Today? I'm supposed to stay put until-"

He hung up. The coach is a cool guy, but he doesn't exactly believe in listening to teenagers. I guess I'm gonna have to go to school today.


I hate the feeling of my clothing against my skin. I try to hide that fact as I walk through the school. 

The coach was waiting for me in his office. "Hey, Clyde. Go ahead and shut the door behind you." 

"Okay..." I shut the door as he asked.

"Have a seat."

"What did you want to talk to me about? Are you reinstating me as captain? Is my suspension over?"

"Not exactly. I have received disturbing news about events that happened at a party recently."

"Oh... you did?"

"Yes. And as yours and Dave's coach, I feel like I should speak to you about it."

"I see..." 

Who told him about what happened? Did one of my friends go to him? I mean... I guess Dave can't use any blackmail anymore since Scott scared the shit outta him...

Maybe this is a good thing.

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