Chapter 35

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Tolkien tilts his head and smiles. "Woah, dude. Got a new girl already? I think you're burning through them a bit too fast."


"You said you weren't single..."

"I'm not."

"How about you just tell me instead of making the author write out all the dialog of me guessing."



I smile confidently. "I'm dating Scott Malkinson."


"Shh! Dude, calm down. It's supposed to be a secret, I don't know if Scott is comfortable with a lot of people knowing."

"I can't believe it. After all that you finally gave in?"

"Yeah. Cant change who you love I guess."

"That's what I was trying to say before. You could've saved yourself a lot of time if you just listened to me."

"Yeah. But I'm stubborn."

"Well, if you're looking for someone to hang out with, why not go to him?"

"We hung out yesterday!"

"Your fault for not planning better. Now get off my doorstep."

He closes the door in my face. Rude.

I guess a text wouldn't hurt. People text, right? That's a normal couple thing, right?

Clyde: Hey, wyd rn?

Scott: work

Clyde: you have a job?

Scott: yeah. Every Sunday I work at the retirement home for about 5 hours.

Clyde: oh, That's so sweet!

Scott: yeah. They're all nice people. You make some cool friends when you work here. Do you have a job?

Clyde: no. I was kinda doing football full time. Maybe I should find one.

Scott: just not one that would take up all your time, cause then I wouldn't get to see you as much :(

Clyde: haha, i would make time for you.

Scott: that makes me happy. Anyways, I gotta get back to work. I'll see you tomorrow <3

Clyde: yeah. See you then.

He sent a heart emoji. What does that mean? Was it just a goodbye thing? Did it mean 'i love you' or was it just him being cute?

I end up overthinking the heart emoji for the next few hours before I eat and go to bed for the night.


I get to school earlier than I usually would. The library just opened. It doesn't look like Scott is here yet.

I sit at one of the tables and play subway surfers on my phone.

"You suck at that."

"AH!" I drop my phone.

Scott snuck up behind me while I was playing.

"Scott! You scared me!"

He smiles "sorry."

He doesn't look sorry at all.

"What are you doing here so early?" He asks as he pulls up a chair to sit next to me.

"I wanted to see you... is that okay?"

He smiles and interlocks his fingers with mine. "Of course it is. I missed you too."

"Oh, good. I've been over analyzing everything and I don't really know what I'm doing."

"Ha. It's funny that you're so stressed about this when you're the one who's been in relationships before."

"Yeah but... I really like you, Scott. I don't want to mess this up."

"Don't worry too much. If you do something that upsets me I'll let you know. I'm good with communication."

"Okay. Thanks."

"No problem. I have about 10 minutes until I need to start sorting books. Mind if I stay here?"

"Of course not. I love you-r company..."

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