Chapter 36

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Scott tells me a bit about his job at the nursing home. He seems to really like it. He told me he likes taking care of people.

"So, you're not free on Sunday's, but other days are fine?"

"Usually yeah."

"Then let's go on a date this weekend. Friday night? You can stay at my house after we go to a restaurant?" I bring his hand to my lips and kiss his knuckles.

He smiles, propping his head up on the table with his other arm. "That sounds lovely."

"Good. I'll sort it out. Can I pick you up on Friday around 5?"

"That works. You should text me the time anyway so that I don't forget."


Scott lightly chuckles.

"What's up? Is something funny?"

"No, just... you've been smiling this whole time. I haven't seen you smile this much before."

I cover my mouth in embarrassment. "Sorry, I'm just really happy I guess..."

He moves my hand off my mouth and kisses my cheek. "I am too. Happier than I've been in a long long time."

I feel like he really gets me. Everything he says just makes sense and he never judges me or corrects me on how I act.

It's scary. I could lose this all in the blink of an eye. Just like how I lost Bebe. Just like how I lost mom...

"Clyde? You look sad now... did I say something wrong?"

"No... everything you say is perfect. I just have some walls I need to break down. I'll open up about it someday when we aren't in the school library." I smile at him, reassuring him that I'm okay.

"Okay. I'll be here whenever you need me. If you ever need to talk, I'll listen. No matter what it's about."

"Thanks. You're really the best boyfriend ever. How do I compete with this?"

"Haha, maybe don't look at it as a competition? That's a big mistake. Cause I always win." He squeezes my hand and smirks at me.


"Hey, isn't your time up? You should get to your work now."

"Oh, right. Okay, I'll see you in first period, okay?"

"Okay. Bye."

Just as he disappears from sight, Tweek and Craig come in.

Craig looks confused. "How are you here before us? We always beat you here."

"Just woke up earlier."

They sit down across from me. Tweek is just finishing up his morning cup of coffee. I'm pretty sure that kid is addicted to that stuff.

"You Look way happier than I thought you would, Clyde." Craig says, not showing that he's actually worried.

"Why wouldn't I be happy?"

"That game on Friday... it was rough. I thought you'd be upset about it."

"Oh, I was. They actually kicked me off the team."

"And you're not upset because..?"

"I guess I found something else to focus on... something much more appealing. Something I love a lot more than some silly game."

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