Chapter 25

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"Hey, Scott... are you doing okay? We haven't really spoken since Monday so I couldn't check in..."

"I'm doing fine, don't worry. What about you? How are things with your girlfriend?"

"She's the one who made it so I couldn't sleep... every night she-"

"Haha okay, I don't need the details of your sex life."

"No, it isn't that. She just keeps dragging me out to do stuff after practice. I end up going to bed around midnight or 3 am because she took up all the time I needed to do my homework."

"Oh... I'm sorry... maybe you should-"

The bell rings and cuts him off.

"I guess we should go." I stand up and gather my things. "You're coming to the game tonight, right?"

"Yeah. I'll be there."

"Cool. I'll see you around."


The bell rings after school and I head off to the locker rooms. I'm not as stressed this time since it's not against our rivals or anything. Just some school to the south.

The coach pulls me aside to tell me his big plan. Apparently, he is going to have me distract them. Since the other team expects me, the best player, to take the stage... I am to stay in that spotlight while Dave scores some points.

As much as I hate the idea of Dave getting all the glory... it's still a good tactic so I'll bite.

After a long time of warming up, the game starts. The announcer calls us in and we do our usual thing.

I wish I knew where Scott was in the stands, I would smile and wave in whatever direction he was in.

The game starts. Just like coach said, I distract the opposing team. It's actually a little fun to trick them like this. They look so mad when they find out I'm not the one who's going for the goal.

Near the end of the game, Dave passes me the ball and I fail to catch it. I guess I'm off my game...

He tries throwing it to me again later but I end up tripping with it. I can't run very fast while staying coordinated. No sleep will do that to you.

It's a close game again... my mess ups definitely didn't help. They should probably stop passing it to me, I'm clearly not doing the best today.

Despite my wishes, the ball ends up in my hands again.

I can't run it to the goal, my legs feel weak. I'm gonna have to throw it. It's less points like this bit at least it's something.

I throw the ball and fall to my knees. My legs are jelly right now.

"Clyde! You idiot!"


I look up to see the ball about to hit the ground. 10 feet to the left of the goal.

I missed.

I missed a throw.

I've never missed a throw before.

"And just like that! South Park looses their winning streak! The Downtin Fauns win the game!"

We... lost..?

I missed... and we lost...

I failed...

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