Chapter 20

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Damn it... I never even considered the possibility that he would confess to me... how do I deal with something like this...

"Scott... I'm sorry... I..."


"You're a great guy, really..."

"I understand..."

"I just... have a girlfriend..."

"You do?"

"Yeah. We started dating over the weekend. Her name is Jenny."

"I see... well, congrats! I'm happy for you. Don't think about what I said too much, I just wanted to get it off my chest so that I can start getting over it."

"No hard feelings..?"

"No hard feelings." He smiles.

My chest hurts.

"I should get going..."

"Yeah. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"Right... goodbye, Scott."


I step out of the room and close the door. I stop for a moment to take a breath. At least I didn't lie. I never told him I didn't like him, all I said was that I have a girlfriend.


Oh god... is Scott crying?

He is. It's quiet, but I can hear it through his door... I better go...

This is for the best. It never would've worked between us.


The next few days are slow and dark. Scott told me he could do his speech therapy alone from now on so we only talk in class. Even then, all we talk about is the project. I want to ask him how he's doing. If he's feeling better, I want to make sure he's okay.

Jenny makes me eat lunch with her and her friends every day. She doesn't talk TO me very much, but she loves talking ABOUT me to her friends.

Before I know it, it's Sunday night. Tomorrow is the debate. I emailed my section to Scott and he send me a "looks good" in response.

I think he's trying his best to get over me. Which is good. It's a good thing. So why am I so upset about it?


It's time. I need to do my best on this project.

The teacher calls us to the front. "Alright boys, Dave emailed me saying he has some stomach virus, so it's just you two."

I roll my eyes. "Just don't give him any credit. He did literally zero work. He only showed up to class once."

"I'll talk to him about it. You two can go ahead and start, then your opponents with go. Back and fourth for two more rounds, then I will decide a winner. Is everyone ready?"

I turn to Scott and smile. "Ready?"

He doesn't look at me, just his paper. "Yeah."

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