Chapter 2

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The first bell rings, startling me. I lost track of time.

I look up to see Craig trying to wake Tweek.

"Hey, Craig, I'm gonna go ahead to class. I'll see you two at lunch."

He waves. "See you later."

I make my way to first period through the crowded halls. I sit in the front left corner like I always do.

The teacher calls roll before starting class.

"Alright! Today we will be starting a project. A debate project. I'll be assigning you in groups of three."

I groan loudly when he says he is assigning the groups.

"Okay, Clyde, I'll assign yours first then. You're with Dave and Scott."

Are you kidding me? A debate project with Scott. I doubt he can do public speaking to save his life. Dave and I will probably end up doing all the work. This is so unfair.

The teacher finished assigning groups. He asks us to put our desks together and get in our groups. Everyone does that.

Scott just had to sit right across from me.

The teacher hands out our assignments. I pick up the paper and read it.

"Okay... looks like we are doing a debate on human rights. It's on why or why shouldn't the us congress make healthcare more accessible to certain groups of people."

Dave nods. He's a cool guy, a kicker on my team. "Why not just make it free for everyone?"

"I think it's asking about if it should be cheeper for people who need it more."


"What should our stance be?"

"I don't care either way."

Scott raises his hand.

I roll my eyes, he doesn't need to do that in a group of three people. "Yes, Scott?"

"I think we thould thay yeth."

"Yes, the congress should make it cheaper?"


"Ok. We will do that then."

The teacher calls out. "Class is almost over. During the study period you are all free to come back here and work with your groups."

I turn to the other two boys. "You guys willing to come back here?"

They both nod.


I start packing up my stuff. The bell rings and I get to my next class. By the time the study period rolls around, I've become more and more nervous about this project. Dave and I really have our work cut out for us.

I hurry to the classroom. I want to get this over with as soon as possible.

I'm the first one here. I unpack my things and wait.

Scott comes in a few minutes after me. "Hi, Clydeth."

The end of his sentences always have a "th". It peeves me.

"Hey Scott. Just waiting on Dave."

Five minutes pass before I get a text from Dave saying he can't make it.

I sigh and rub my temples. "Damn it..."

"Is he noth coming?"

"He isn't. I guess it's just us... great..."

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